5 Reasons to attend RISEUP Summit 2020
Let's face it, the year is almost over and in retrospect your plans for 2020 probably haven't paned out the way you'd hoped. You started planning probably this time last year; everything was set OKRs, KPIs, Structure, expansions, forecasts, plans and fast forward a couple of months and a billion spreadsheets later the world is seemingly on pause. It's not that the car stopped moving, it's on cruise control.
But that didn't hold you back ,
you're no pushover,
you've ready every book there is on entrepreneurship and know that being punched in the mouth is part of "Hustle Culture".
You attended every webinar & digital event you could find but rarely did someone offer something beyond, cut costs and be flexible. By June you're discouraged, the "guru's" tactics aren't the magic bullet you thought they'd be. That isn't to say there wasn't any value there, it was simply a situation no one had experienced and as a byproduct everyone was still learning .Things aren't turning around, by July you have an epiphany:
There are no more tips & tricks, it's go digital or go home.
Come August the message was clear, this isn't the year you do something outstanding, It's the year you leave no stone unturned to survive. The rhetoric changes and you begin a new Journey with #resilience not excellence in mind, Now that makes a lot more sense.
#Resilence, We told you so
- The RiseUp Team
Fast Forward August to November and if you've been surviving then pat yourself on the back, you're one of the lucky ones. You didn't burn through your cash or you found some way to make some along the way.
Now you find yourself where you were last year but a bit wiser and a lot more tired so it begs the questions, what now ?
1. That's first reason to attend, it's time to #Reset.
It's about time we reset ourselves, our expectations and our companies. The pandemic was too often described as either a blessing to some and a curse to others but in both instances people were always referring to the market not the companies. A bit introspective analysis is needed now; why are we struggling ? Were we struggling before and the situation simply accelerated an already sinking ship or is there more to it.
2. If you didn't get your dose of resilience, it's still on the table.
In case you missed RiseUp from Home back in August some of the world's top speakers will be making a brief comeback during RiseUp Summit 2020. We're taking the top sessions from #RFH and putting them on blast with their dedicated channel during RiseUp Summit 2020.
3. Get your questions answered.
Are there questions you wanted to ask 1:1 after a session and saw the speaker rush to a business meeting or perhaps you simply got intimated. RiseUp has your back, Circles is a new concept we're applying this time around, to solve that for you.
List of Speakers at RiseUp Summit 2020
4. Meet the right people.
Who are you looking for ?
Investors, a cofounder, a Team , partners , leads, interns, Business leaders... We've got them all. The year has been long enough, what better way to celebrate than with the people who have been struggling in the same boat as you this entire time !