5 Real-world Business Uses of Monday.com
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5 Real-world Business Uses of Monday.com

Keep your team informed and on track

with daily email status updates of your Monday workflows

We recently worked with a client was able to transform their internal communications and project management using Monday.com. Receiving daily email updates on workflow progress and deadlines, team members are equipped with the information they need to improve transparency, efficiency, and collaboration. Any bottlenecks are quickly identified and addressed.

The best part? No technical skills are required. You can do this yourself. All you need is a basic understanding of Monday boards and automations. Combine low-level boards into a single high-level board and use the built-in Monday "Automations" to email relevant details to the appropriate staff. Try it and instantly see the benefits of streamlined communication!

Monday.com profile settings view where email notifications can be customized
Profile settings view where email notifications can be customized on Monday.

Streamline your lead generation process

with Monday.com’s online forms

Automate prospecting to enhance your response times and conversion rates by capturing inquiries and managing lead magnets all in one place. Monday's form feature allows for immediate integration of new lead data into sales pipelines. Many businesses use Monday to streamline their lead generation processes by employing Monday.com’s online forms.

With no technical skills required, simply create a form in Monday and the related board is automatically generated. Then, customize the built-in automations to respond to inquiries via email and assign prospects to your account team. With so many possibilities inside of the Monday automation builder, it's only smart to think of how custom automations can take your business to the next level.

Preview of form workspace on Monday. The tabs at the top allow you to see the information that's been entered under "main table". Form appearance can be edited. Powered by WorkForms.
Preview of form workspace on Monday.

Create and update Monday.com items

directly from Slack

Looking to streamline your team's task management and communication? A solution we've found for many of our clients is an integration between Slack and Monday. Create and update tasks directly within their Monday workflows, all without leaving the Slack app. This enhances real-time communication, streamlines operations, and boosts productivity.

Once again, you don't need to be a technical wizard to implement this integration. Use the pre-built Monday integration for Slack to tie the two systems together. Then use the Slack app for Monday.com which will give you a Slack command to create items in Monday, directly from Slack.

Preview of Slack app with Monday.com notifications integrated in the Apps section. The apps section is located under Direct Messages and Channels.
Preview of Monday notifications channel on Slack.

Automate the customer's post-sale journey

with Salesforce and Monday integrations

Organizations we work with often enhance customer relationship management and follow-up efficiency by integrating Monday with Salesforce. This integration streamlines data synching between platforms. Ensuring that operations and delivery teams have timely access to customer information allows them to proactively manage post-sales activities – improving customer satisfaction and retention.

However, installing the integration package and updating API keys can be a bit complicated. It allows for two-way sync between the systems, but a deep understanding of your Salesforce data configuration is necessary to extract the data you need. You can always reach out to General Systems Corp. for assistance with setting up custom automations.

Monday.com automations center showing all of the current integration partners available for synthesizing your workflow.
Preview of

A single place to manage everything

Integrate all of your business systems

Companies are increasingly turning to the Monday to integrate all their business systems into a centralized workspace. This integration ensures data consistency and accessibility across platforms, boosting productivity and streamlining decision-making across various functions.

Integrating a lot of disparate systems often requires an IPAAS solution such as Make.com or Zapier.com.?These systems have Monday.com modules to sync data and workflows between all the apps your business uses.?Use Webhooks and HTML Post modules to integrate with systems don’t have their own module.

Discover More Custom Integrations and Automations

with General Systems Corporation IT Experts

With over 50 years of exceptional information technology services, General Systems Corp. is dedicated to finding the solutions that work best for your team. Are you ready to bring your business to the next level with automations and integrations? We can set you up for success. Connect with us and schedule a consultation with our business technology experts.


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