5 questions for a MSE graduate

5 questions for a MSE graduate

5 questions for Patrick Hüsser , Master's graduate of the Business Engineering profile.

How has your MSE degree influenced your professional career?

The MSE degree has a big range of different modules. Therefore, it helped me in variable areas. Overall, I would say it taught me how to handle my daily work better as time pressure on the tasks are always high.


What advice do you have for current or new MSE students?

You should try to select modules which might help you the most in your future career (not to select just the easiest ones). In addition, it does make sense to find an industrial partner which estimates your time working on the projects and implements some of your advice.


What's your favorite MSE study memory?

I liked the excursions to innovative companies and most of all the international program.


In which areas were you able to develop the most through your MSE studies?

I could improve my skills mostly in leadership, project and quality management.


What were your main reasons for choosing the MSE programme?

The main reason I choose the MSE program was the huge amount of time spent for individual projects. I could spend two semesters analysing strategically and develop company goals & strategies for my own company.

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