5 Questions with EvergreenHealth's Katelin Brooks, PharmD
For our 5th anniversary, we asked our own employees 5 questions. For our 6th anniversary, we're expanding to the people we work with outside of Eastside Health Network (EHN) staff—from the hospitals and clinics to our partners beyond. This month, we talk to EvergreenHealth's Katelin Brooks, PharmD.?
Katelin Brooks, PharmD is Ambulatory Pharmacy Services Manager at EvergreenHealth.?
Katelin manages all EvergreenHealth outpatient pharmacy areas, including clinic pharmacies and the pharmacy components of the central Epic system. She oversees prescriptions for community discharge and EvergreenHealth Hospice, pharmacy personnel, incoming requests from processing, and oversees standardizing processes across the EvergreenHealth system. If that sounds like a lot, it is!?
Katelin is a creative thinker, and her mind works fast! Before you're done marveling at the last thing she's said, she's moved on to another innovative idea.?
Below are Katelin's answers to 5 questions so you can get to know her a little better:
1. What is your favorite part of your work?
I love projects, members and data. The EHN partners that I work with have always been so great with data.
2. How do you collaborate with EHN??
I work with EHN on coordinating approval for 100-days refills, adherence metrics, work on clinical measures for our clinical pharmacists. I also see patients inside and outside EvergreenHealth on chronic conditions such as diabetes management hypertension, cholesterol and smoking cessation. I help with Medicare patients and meet with pharmacists once a year to go through medications, taking a slightly deeper dive to see if there's something we could do to help our patients.
3. Our Medical Director, John Nelson, asks this question to each new hire, and I’m sure you know where I’m going … What was your first concert?
New Found Glory. No judgements please.
4. Who is someone you admire right now, and why do you admire them?
I had a cute interaction with my littlest [child] recently that left me thinking of him. Kids remind you of being a free spirit. He was really upset, and he wouldn’t listen to me, but he wouldn't listen because he just wanted mom time. I admired the simplicity and love behind it.
5. Working in health care can be draining, especially these days. What is your favorite type of self-care?
Anything physical that engages a different part of brain.?I used to play soccer, which was really great, and I’m hoping there can be some more of that this year.