5 Questions Business Owners Have Before Switching to VoIP Phones
Switching your phone systems over from a traditional landline to a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system seems like a natural move for a business that wants to modernize. But many business owners are concerned about making the switch; some of them have been burned by VoIP phone solutions that were rolled out in the 00’s before they were really ready for the marketplace, and some want to make sure that they retain the current functionality that they have. We’ll have a look at the questions most business owners want an answer to about a VoIP phone solution before they can sign on the digital dotted line.
#1: Will the call quality be good?
#2: Can I move my current business number?
#3: Will my phones still work the same?
#4: How is it going to get installed?
#5: Can I use my existing handsets?
ViWO offers a number of different VoIP phone system carriers, which gives your business the power of choice. Describe your business needs and concerns to us, and we’ll find you the right carrier. We have relationships with most of the major ones, and can find one that suits your business needs. Contact us today to find out more.