5 Psychological Marketing Hacks to Get Your Marketing Budget Approved
Mark Fidelman
CMO, AI and Blockchain, tokenization, real world assets, Forbes top 25 CMO
Having trouble getting the marketing budget you need to succeed? Mark Fidelman explains the 5 Psychological Hacks to getting your Marketing Budget Approved from the CEO to the CMO to your Director of Marketing.
1. Ask for a huge budget 3X the amount you want, then ask for a much smaller one closer to the one you really want. People are more likely to grant a small favor after denying a much bigger one. Make sure you have a plan in place for both!
2. If you’re in a group meeting and expect someone to take you to task, sit right next to them. They’ll lose the pack mentality that makes them feel safe to attack you. At the very least, they’ll mitigate their meanness.
3. In your marketing proposal, Don’t say or write, “I think“ or ”I believe". It’s implied anyway, and it sounds like you lack confidence.
4. Prior to asking for budget, socialize the plan with the team. Your VP or CFO will be less likely to deny it if you have group consensus.
5. When negotiating the Budget use silence strategically. Most people are very uncomfortable in silence and are willing to break it by giving up a key point. Try it, it actually works.