5 Productivity Hacks for Insurance Agents

5 Productivity Hacks for Insurance Agents

Control your time and you will be able to control your reality. In this hyper-competitive digital economy Being productive and getting the highest possible output for your time is the only way to beat your competition & dominate the marketplace.

There are a ton of little habits that can help you to boost your productivity as an insurance agent.

Once you & your team adopt those little changes into everyday life you will see the positive impact throughout your Business.

So adopt those little yet effective impactful habits into your life and consider sharing those productivity hacks with everyone in your agency as well.

So here are 5 effective productive habits for your Insurence Agents-

1. The Two-Minute Rule

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The rule is simple: Starting a new habit should never take more than two minutes to do. (The name of this strategy was inspired by the author and productivity consultant David Allen)

The idea behind the two-minute rule is if a task can be done in two minutes or less, do it. Don't save it for later. No need to put that task on your to-do list, just complete the task right away.

Sometimes, productivity is all about shaving seconds off here and there, and this is one of those simple hacks.

2. Restructure the Workday

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The traditional 8-hour workday started during the industrial revolution, but several studies in the last decade have shown it may be sucking away all our productivity.

A famous productivity study by the?Draugiem Group?found that the length of the workday wasn't that important – taking short breaks throughout is what mattered.

The study found?the ideal work-to-break ratio is 52 minutes of work followed by 17 minutes of rest.?Researchers found those who followed this pattern were entirely focused during the nearly 1-hour stretch and they were not distracted by anything during their work sessions.

Scientists point to the way our brains work to explain this finding: "The brain naturally functions in spurts of high energy (roughly an hour) followed by spurts of low energy (15–20 minutes)”

3. Use a Real CRM

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Got some bad news for you… your Gmail inbox is NOT a CRM!

In fact, I can name a handful of agents myself that just keep the info in their inbox… then search the client’s name every single time they need to follow up with them!

And more often than not they end up losing track of the client, only remembering to contact them once it’s too late.

2 other factors that make the adoption of such software essential for people who sell insurance:

  1. Insurance sales are determined by trust and price.
  2. Sales departments with pre-established customer portfolios benefit particularly from a CRM.

In the sale of insurance, there are almost exclusively two factors that determine whether the customer chooses one or the other: price and trust.

A CRM is very helpful to track & manage a customer's journey & sales cycle from being to finish. From Managing ice-cold leads to maintaining solid relationships after closing the deal - A great CRM System comes in handy to manage & organize every moving part efficiently.

4. Have Intentional Meetings

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Meetings account for 31 hours of wasted time each month for the average worker in an office.

Take a hard look at the meetings you currently have and make sure the purpose of the meeting is fulfilled and only the people who can add value to the meeting attend that - not everyone in the organization has to be on the meeting because in most cases only a few people contribute to solve a particular problem or discuss a particular topic.

Not everyone in your organization can contribute and neither everyone should be worrying about every single department of your Agency.

You & your entire Agency can be far more productive by being efficient in terms of meeting – that's one of the biggest productivity pitfalls in business across the globe, not only in the Insurance industry.

5. Hire a VA (Virtual Assistant)

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Think of all the time it takes to do tiny things like preparing quotes, sending out COI’s, taking inbound calls, updating payment plans, updating addresses, and the infinite number of small low revenue tasks.

All of those low-value tasks prevent you from focusing on the actual profit-driven task - tasks that are directly linked to generating more sales & grow your business.

Now imagine how it would be if can hand over all of those low-value tasks to someone professional by paying a very low amount?

It's literally like buying back your time with money - only If you hire the right person.

And this is where we come in… We provide fully trained Virtual Assistants specialized in working for Insurence Agents & Insurence Agencies - at a very affordable rate.

Learn more about eDesk.io from here

Being productive as an agent that pulls their weight is the key to having a successful insurance agency.



