5 practices to maintain a healthy work-life balance!!
Balancing professional and personal life is hard but not impossible. As we know, a reasonable amount of practice can help us to achieve any difficult task, making us efficient and domain experts.
Here are 5 practical practices to improve work-life balance
1. Think Less, Do More
Are you always stressed about how I will complete the task rather than initiating the task? It's always better to start the task and estimate a certain time frame to finish it up in the beginning, for both personal and professional tasks.
2. Focus On Self-Growth While opting for any task, always estimate the output in terms of self-growth. It can be domain learning, skills enhancement, network building, or being efficient at work. Practice saying "NO" to work which doesn't fall in your growth or somehow does not directly impact your performance.
3. Start Your Day Early And Finish It Early
Plan your day's personal and professional activities. Keep a blend of both to take reasonable mental breaks. Keep at least 20% of the time in the buffer for ad-hoc activities. Make a rule to define a certain durational limit for a day to work. It's on you, to keep your important work aligned in advance to ignore last-minute burdens.
4. Less Is Always More
Keep realistic and rational expectations from yourself considering your past performances and ability. Otherwise, incompletion would result in guilt, overburden, and stress. Also, present the actual ability level in front of stakeholders. Do not overwhelm yourself.
5. Spend quality time with yourself
Meditation, walking in nature, playing with pets/kids, playing sports, traveling, painting, dancing, singing, writing, reading, or any activity which feeds your soul shall be practiced at least once a week to keep you as YOU.
Life is not just about a career, However, a Career is part of your life :P
We know that there are many aspects of life that most of us neglect at times. There are always ups and downs but keeping control over it is something we need to practice. SELF-MOTIVATION towards professional life can lead to efficiency, growth, and ultimately happiness at work.
And whenever you feel there are a lot of problems in life, it is an indicator to remind yourself to become BIGGER than your problems. Challenges will always be there, it's about how you tackle them.
Few book recommendations: Amazing secrets of life, Off Balance