5 Practical Tips to Monitor your Virtual Assistant or Remote Employee

5 Practical Tips to Monitor your Virtual Assistant or Remote Employee

Productivity is central to the growth of a business. Especially After the Covid, companies & teams are more dependent on Remote Employees.

Before we jump on how you can monitor your Remote/Virtual Employees here are 5 Good Reasons why you should Monitor your Employee's Workload as an Insurence Agent-

  1. Balance workloads and delegate
  2. Prevent burnout and boost productivity
  3. Figure out the bottleneck & Manage weak links
  4. Identify sources of inefficiency
  5. Get the highest possible output

So here are the Top 5 Practical Tips to Monitor your Remote worker's performance and get the best possible output from them-

1. Set clear deadlines and expectations for remote worker

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Your team should know how and when the work is expected. By setting clear expectations, your remote workers will be able to manage their time properly.

Therefore, your workers must know when is the deadline, when they should be submitting the work, and exactly how much time they have left to complete the task.

So if the project is time-bound, Schedule & Assign tasks with the help of a dedicated project management software. Setting clear roles for the employee is the first step toward monitoring & getting the highest possible output from the employee.

2. Use a Project Management Software

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Project and task management apps come in many different varieties, but they all have the same purpose: helping your business manage, organize, and assign tasks related to various projects.

You will be able to assign tasks & projects to your employee and your employee will be able to see the task they are assigned with the exact deadline & detailed description.

And from that dashboard, you will be able to monitor which employee completed which task and the progress of their work in real-time. Some of the Project Management software also integrates with time tracking software, so If you wanna take it to the next level there's option available.

3. Implement time tracking software

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Your next step is to use a productivity tracking tool to keep an eye on how your Virtual Employee is spending his time throughout his work hours.

These tools usually encourage your employees to start and stop a built-in timer, as appropriate, whenever they begin a new task.

So you will be able to track every single activity of your employees, exactly what website, app, software they used for how many minutes, including their keyboard & mouse clicks.

So you will be able to provide regular feedback to your employees immediately so that they can understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Having a monthly or quarterly feedback culture is important to allow employees to work efficiently but daily tracking helps them to understand exactly where they are lacking & solve the lacking immediately, instead of waiting months to notice their lackings.

4. Track employee email activity

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Did you know that modern professional employees spend 28-50% of their workday in their email inbox?

Just knowing that they are spending time in their email inbox isn’t enough for you. You need to know what’s actually happening during that time. Who are they emailing? How many emails did they send and receive each day? How quickly do they respond to new leads or customers?

If you want to make your employees 50% of the time more productive then visualizing & tracking your employees’ email activity is a must for you.

There's a tool called EmailAnalytics that can help you to do that. EmailAnalytics tracks your employee's email inboxes activity, silently and completely in the background.

5. Require self-reporting

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If you trust your employees, or if you have a small team, you should also implement Self-Reporting alongside Digital Tracking & Reporting.

As a simple example, you could have each of your employees send a brief email report to a manager, supervisor or directly to you at the end of each work day, explaining which projects they’re currently working on, exactly what problem they are facing, how busy they feel, and whether they feel capable of taking on more responsibilities.

If your workers are not productive in their roles, your business can experience negative consequences. So as an Insurence Agent it's more important than ever to Monitor your Remote Employee or Virtual Assistants performance.

But also keep in your mind that your Employee shouldn't feel like they are in jail during their work hours because of your intensive tracking & monitoring. Too much monitoring & tracking can backfire on your company's culture.



