'GRIT 1 - Crystalrity' - 5 powerful ways to immerse in your goal
Avinash Anand Singh, PCC
India's Leading Growth Mindset & Peak Performance Coach| Merging Science & Spirituality| Former Member Forbes Coaches | Impacted 15,000+lives | Enabling people to create rapid transformation.
One of the most important and fundamental aspect of achieving any goal depends on the level of involvement and immersion one may have, apart from other factors.
Starting today for next few days i will write on the powerful tools to achieve & manifest your goals. The process / tool i have developed for this is GRIT (Goals Rapid Immersion Technique). These are specific tools to increase the certainty and probability of achieving the goals. There are number of them and i will share 5 of them in the next few posts.
Here comes GRIT # 1 of 5
1. Crystalrity (Crystal Clarity)
If you see carefully, goals are nothing but a thought build up in the mind with images, sounds, and other sensory inputs. To make goals very powerful, you need to get them to clarity. Clarity means getting the images, sounds and all other sensory inputs very very crystal clear in your mind by reflection and reviewing.
Mostly when you set goals, somewhere some limiting images from past failure gets hooked to it and brain at the background keeps running the pattern of failure which you may have witnessed in past.
?Action Steps -
Start with drawing the the goal on a piece of paper to get it to a level of clarity. Make sure you exactly know what precise outcome you are looking at here. Reflect - Review - Reflect - Review till you reach there and then install this image in your mind by following a strong visualization process.
This is extremely powerful process and doing this well is like getting half work done.
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Be a champion of Happiness,
Avinash Anand Singh
He is a Transformational Coach, Speaker & Writer. He runs a ‘training and people evolvement’ company called Blue Dot Transform which works in the area of connecting ‘Science and Spirituality’ with the mission of “helping people connect back to their Inner Genius”.
www.bdtc.in | www.bdtc.in/blog
PS – “Self Mastery & Law of Attraction Mastery” on 6-7-8th May 2016, Pune. To know more, visit this link – https://bit.ly/1XqpOBD