5 Powerful Business Relationship Tips
Dov Baron... The Science of Emotion
Leadership Disruptor | Unapologetic Truth-Teller | Transforming Leaders into Forces of Nature | Host of the No-BS 'Dov Baron Show' Podcast."
My intention in this article is to give you five ways to be more relational in business so that you can be a leader in the new economy...
In a recent article posted here, I said that the central and very necessary cog for doing business in the new economy is CARING.
In fact, I will go so far as to say that there is a big wave coming...Some will be financially overwhelmed by it, and others who get ahead of the wave of relationship-based business will be surfing the new economy to affluence.
In that article I went on to say: If you really want to make it in business in this new economy, you need to show people that they are more than just sales figures; they need to know that you are in relationship with them.
After writing that article, I’ve gotten emails from people asking how to do that. How do you let people know that you care about more than their money? Some of you went on to say that in my business, it’s easy to be relational because we deal with personal growth and development, which is all about relationships. You wanted to know how to be more relational if you are in a different kind of business, one that is sales based. More specifically, you wanted to know how to be more relational if someone comes in and buys two "doomah-hikies" and is in and out of the store in a couple of minutes, how can that be relational?
Let me make something crystal clear: Every time you have an interaction with a person, no matter how short, you are having a relationship with them.
And in that relationship, you have a chance to make the other person feel as if you genuinely care…or not. Let me share a secret with you:
Every interaction is an opportunity to inspire
Alright get out your pen and paper, write this down, because I'm going to give you five gems that you can use to be more relational in business—any business.
1. Look at the person when you are dealing with them. Pay attention to them, not your cell phone or someone standing beside you. For those few minutes, be fully focused on that person and what you are doing with them. (You know for yourself how frustrating it is to have someone distracted with someone or something else when they should be focused on you.)
2. Be sincere in your business relationship. When I first moved to North America I was in awe as every time I was in a store people said, “Have a nice day”. Pretty quick the awe wore off and here's why: It doesn't matter who you are, people smell fake quicker than dog poop on their shoe, and we all know when the person saying; "have a nice day", couldn’t care less what kind of day we are having. If you can’t say anything else, just say “Thank you” at the end. But most importantly: Mean it!
3. Make sure the person is as satisfied as they can be. Maybe you or your company don’t have the product or service they need... Are you willing to go the extra mile, to take the extra step and help them find another place to get what they want? Because that my friend is one piece of what's needed to do business in the new economy.
4. Keep your ultimate goal in mind. As much as we all love the "ch-ching" of our own cash register. In the new economy it’s not about just selling another "doomah-hikie". It’s about making sure the person in front of you thinks of you every time he needs a "doomah-hikie". Stated simply; that means making sure that you, as a person, are fully involved with them, as a person. Keep in mind; it’s not just a business deal, it never was... it's a relationship.
5. Do what you have to do, even if there is no immediate pay off for you. I know many people are are going the other way on this because they are in fear of loss and what I can tell you is if you are giving less, you can be pretty sure your fear will become reality. For that reason, I'm telling you in no uncertain terms: Give people more than they expect. Great service in any business is all in the little things. If all you think you are doing is ringing up a sale, you are wrong! The way you handle the transition, the way you pack the merchandise, even the way you return the receipt can become added value to your customer. You have to be willing to do what it takes to show someone you genuinely care, even if there is nothing in it for you.
Why do these five point matter so very much? Because as I said in the article: "The Real Cost of Doing Business" What I’m talking about here is actually giving a shit about the people you do business with.
I’ve said it before, but I will say it again.
"If you don't want to be relational, then you my friend, no matter how much money you have, cannot afford the cost of doing business today!"
My question to you, dear reader, and everyone you know who has in some way interacted with us is this: Do you get it that I (Dov Baron) and my company Baron Mastery Institute genuinely care about you... that we genuinely give a shit?
I'd love to hear your feedback about whether you see this as a genuine factor in the new economy. And I would love to hear from you with regards to the question I asked you about me and my company.
I trust that you found this article valuable, if so, feel free to send this to your friends. I eagerly anticipate your feedback and comments.
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I created the Authentic Leadership Matrix after a lot of experience and research. One of the questions I'm asked often is what authentic leadership is and how do we define it. As a result, I created the matrix. It splits what leadership is into five separate categories. So, that you can take a clear look at how you perform in each of the five main areas that are required for you to become a world class authentic leader. The process takes you through each category simply with yes or no questions.https://matrix.fullmontyleadership.com/
With gratitude, D?v Baron
I also write for Entrepreneur.com:
- Is There Life After Success(ion)?
- Why 47 Percent of Your Best People Are Ready to Leave -- and What You Can Do About It
- The 11 Questions Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Ask Themselves
- Why Being a Self-Aware Leader Is Not Enough
- Unlocking 'the 4 Cs' to Create a Fiercely Loyal Corporate Culture
“In 2015, Dov Baron was cited by Inc Magazine as one of the Top 100 Leadership Speaker to book for your next conference! He speaks internationally and is The Leading Authority on Next-Gen Authentic Leadership and creating a Culture of Fiercely Loyal Leaders. FullMontyLeadership.com
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P.S. To get your hands on Dov Baron’s new book “Fiercely Loyal” How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent, go take a look here https://fiercelyloyalbook.com and get your FREE: How to instantly bond any team infographic”
To contact: Dov Baron International, and Authentic Paragon Alliance INC. Contact Authentic Paragon Alliance at +1 778 397 7717 https://FullMontyLeadership.com