5 Possible Reasons for Chronic Unemployment.
Marc LeVine
Empowering Engineers & Advancing Careers | Talent Acquisition, Blogger, Podcast Guest, Conference Speaker | Hiring those Built to Succeed in Control Systems Engineering for Thermo Systems
Everyone and the media does a lot of talking about those people, who are said to have fallen off the unemployment roles and have stopped looking for work. I wonder how many of these people there really are? Where are they mostly located? And, why are they STILL not working in full time jobs in an improving economy with so many employers begging for more, qualified job candidates? If they ARE currently working in a low-paying and unsatisfying part-time jobs, why are they stuck there?
I BELIEVE there is this population of unemployed and underemployed people; out of work so long that many employers may be suspicious about their skill relevancy, as well as their energy, total commitment and true desire to perform at higher levels for better pay - to work hard for fair compensation.
There are many reasons why people have been out of work so long or have been forced to work many fewer hours than they really need or want to and at or close to the minimum wage - not nearly enough to survive. Not all of the reasons are anyone's fault of their own; but some of them surely are.
Sometimes - when we fall down - we need a hand getting back up. Why people fall down and often refuse to get back up upsets a great deal of people in our country. You can call these critics "rugged individualists," or hard-nosed conservatives; against BIG GOVERNMENT social programs that use their tax dollars for so-called "Liberal" (aka: helping people) purposes. "Swim or Sink", they may say to those who struggle and point to their own never needing government assistance of any kind The politics of all this is a different discussion for another day.
Let's instead, focus on the reasons that many people "fall down" and fail to get new work after losing their primary jobs. In fact, let's just list them with a few brief comments, for reading times sake. You are certainly welcome to comment further, (below) and or discuss each at much greater length within your own personal circles. You can even add to this list, if you wish.
Here are 5 reasons for chronic unemployment and or underemployment:
- Some people never make the successful transfer from school to work and fail to perform and behave according to an employer's differing (from school) standard. They very often fail to adjust to participating in the workforce and - in reality - become "serial job seekers;" constantly looking for new jobs until they bury themselves in multiple short stints and making poor excuses about job loss that employers just won't buy!
- Poor careerists are people, who stop asking questions, learning and staying abreast of changes in their careers and jobs. They fall behind their successful competition and eventually drop off most employer's radar, forever.
- Age discrimination exists and is blatant in some places. It's very hard to ascertain and prove that you've been discriminated in this way. So, some employers feel quite empowered to pass over the 55+ crowd made up of people they think no longer have the drive, physical and mental endurance, cultural adaptation ability (to be among younger co-workers and perhaps be managed by them), or an interest in accepting modest compensation, while not offering much promise that they are prepared for lengthy job tenures, at a later stage of life.
- Geographically, in parts of the country their are fewer job opportunities available for the greater number of people who want and need them. The "Rust Belt" and prairie states like Wyoming are still lagging behind much of the country in creating more good paying full time jobs with promise. There is also a skill vs. job requirement mismatch in these states and others. Please re-read Item #2 regarding retraining and re-tooling careers. Add to this, that educators are also failing at preparing a better workforce for American employers to compete globally with.
- People often sabotage their own success. This is part laziness and part emotional immaturity; the inability to accept their roles as bread-winners and individual responsibilities. It is not uncommon to find people, who deliberately cause problems for themselves at work; make false health and injury claims; find ways to milk yjr system for its financial benefits, etc.
There is certainly enough to ponder over given the above-mentioned reasons that some people remain unemployed indefinitely - even when most others go back to work. We have only scratched the surface on this topic and - as Americans - need to go much deeper in thought regarding getting these individuals off the tax roles and back to responsibility and personal pride. That job begins, now.
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Author Bio: Marc LeVine is currently employed by Edgewood Properties as its full-time corporate recruiting specialist; charged with building an employment function from the bottom up, staffing the company and developing and administering full-cycle employment policies and procedures.
In collaboration with corporate marketing and internal systems, Marc functions as architect of an employment branding strategy designed to establish an employee value proposition message fashioned to attract, reward and retain talent.
A highly sought after Digital Strategist for e-Recruiting, Writer, Speaker & Social Media Consultant & Trainer, Marc has a diversified background in BOTH B2C and B2B Social Media initiatives, Marc uniquely bridges Recruiting Strategy,Targeted Objectives and ROI with Social Media, Recruiting & Staffing, Digital Media, Public Relations and Traditional Marketing Initiatives.
Mr. LeVine is also a respected thought-leader, whose popular Social Media Blog has caught the attention of many major trade publications interested in publishing his insightful works.
Mr. LeVine is a proud graduate of Syracuse University and previously served as Director of Social Media Marketing for RiaEnjolie, a division of InfoPro Worldwide, Director of Human Resources for New Jersey Press, the former operator of Asbury Park Press, Home News and Tribune and NJ101.5, as well as General Manager for Brickforce Staffing.
Specialties:RECRUITING/STAFFING* e-Recruiting & "Employer of Choice" Strategies
You may reach Marc at 732-985-1900 x1140 or by email at [email protected].
Real Estate Lease Administration Manager at Diamond Communications, LLC
8 年Age discrimination definitely exists especially if you are over 50! I call it the 3 O's - old, over paid, and over qualified. I have been actively searching for over a year. I'm hoping that now that the election is behind us, that new opportunities will open up.
Tri-State Real Estate Manager
8 年Add me to the club