An interview is the time when we (the interviewers) are trying to see if the interviewee will be able to deliver on the job & will fit in the organization. Always remember, an interview is a selection and not a rejection process.

Here are some tips on how to prepare for the interview.

  1. Research the organization: Believe me as an interviewer it’s really difficult for me to take a candidate seriously, if he/she is not aware of organization. This shows lack of commitment and makes the candidate appear as a serial interviewee. A candidate who’s well researched and can?talk in depth about the industry, the organization, and the position shows that he/she is?interested in the position and the organization and is likely to be a good long-term investment.
  2. Prepare the answers: Use the job description as a guideline to find key skills and competencies required for the job.?Be ready to cite examples from your own experience that match or complement these specifications. The best way to present these examples is STAR format.

  • Situation – briefly describe the where/when/who
  • Task – outline the task or objective
  • Action – describe what you did – focus on your role and your input
  • Result – what the outcome was and what skills you developed

If you are asked about something that is outside your experience, describe a situation where you learned something new and suggest you can do so again.

3. Managing difficult questions: Do you have gap in cv / poor academic record / too many job changes. Answer these as honestly as you can (most companies do a reference check and your lies can create problems), without being defensive or blaming anyone. When a candidate talks negatively about his current / past organization, it shows lack of maturity & makes the candidate appear as some who may be hard to work with. Try to put a positive spin on it by showing how you overcame the difficulty and what you learned from it. (we regularly post tips and tricks on how to answer usually asked questions. Keep checking this space for the same)

4. Prepare the questions you want to ask the interviewer: Asking the right questions not only shows enthusiasm and interest but also provides opportunity to assess the company. Do not ask anything that could be easily answered through a quick internet search, or should have been checked prior to or at start of the interview e.g. job description for position. ( check the link to know the?4C of the question you must ask the interviewer?)

5.Rehearse your answers: Rehearse your answers with someone or in front of mirror to observe your body language.

?Be punctual and dress well. Go ace the interview !!!

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