5 Pillars to Become 72 and Feel Much Younger
Jan-Olof Nilsson
CEO & Founder of The Golden Age Lifestyle - Helping and coaching senior citizens to live their best lives as retirees.
To feel much younger than your age is about 5+1 things
Why do we feel much younger than our actual age? Well, some feel different. So, why are we so different? Four months ago, I had the privilege of circling around the sun 72 times, and if there are no unexpected surprises, I feel that I have many more years left on this earth.
In many forums, it's popular to say that the age of 70 is today's 50. In a way, it's true, and it depends on various factors. First of all, we need to recognize that homo sapiens weren't designed to live for more than 25 to 30 years.
Evolution, new scientific discoveries, and other environmental circumstances have increased the average a lot. However, the age of 50 is, in a way, the biological peak in life, when all that can be developed has come to a finish line. From now on, it's all downhill, and humans have been successful in slowing down the speed downhill.
Science isn't very successful on the other side of the 50-age line. On the other hand, who would like to see a 20-year-old youngster in diapers or a 30-year-old person behaving like a teenager?
To Feel Much Younger You Need to Behave Differently
So far, it seems like Mother Nature has collaborated quite well with humanity, while humans are not giving back what Mother Earth deserves. At a dramatically high speed, we are destroying the planet we inhabit.
This destruction process will also influence our survival parameters, and if we continue in this way, we will speed up the downhill process after 50.
This prelude is something to carry with us when figuring out the pillars of the rejuvenation process that make us feel much younger than our actual age.
What makes us then feel much younger?
The following 5 significant parts are based on my personal opinion. This disclaimer is better to avoid scientific experts raising objections. Instead, experts may agree with my personal feelings and opinions.
In my opinion, the slowing down of real aging (not the number of circles around the sun) depends on five big blocks: biological aging, Physical aging, Mental aging, Mindset, and Society's influence.
Biological aging
Biological aging is probably the first thing that comes to mind when discussing aging. It's all about the time each species on earth will live. Life is often said to be uncertain in many ways. There is only one thing we know for sure: one day, we will die.
Whatever body constitution, DNA, and biological heritage you bring with you, at a certain age, parts of your body start to fail. It's like old cars. The older the vehicle, the more service and replacement of damaged parts will be needed. Our bodies function the same way.
Thanks to advances in medical research, new and more sophisticated methods have become realities. It is impossible to determine how many years we can add to our age as a consequence of new medical discoveries.
Physical aging
While biological aging is influenced by external factors, physical aging is largely a result of one's lifestyle and how one cares for one's body. This underscores the significant role of personal choices in the aging process.
Even if it seems obvious, it's the main reason people age prematurely. When you were young, you could live for a while without eating very healthy, getting almost no sleep, and doing the necessary exercise, which was just a wish that never got started.
Sooner or later, your body must pay back what you missed out on decades earlier. It's like living on your credit card with a sky-high interest rate. When you miss a monthly income, the s**t will hit the fan, and your bank will go after you and charge penalties of all kinds.
No matter how you've lived your life so far, it's never too late to make a change. Start today by taking a long walk, banning extra sugar, going to bed early, and getting a long night's sleep. Let this good start guide you when converting your daily walks to jogging sessions, adding more fruits and vegetables to your daily food intake, and sleeping at least 6 hours.
As C.S. Lewis said,
"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."
Mental aging
In the same way that your muscles shrink with age, your brain also starts to decline. However, both your muscles and brain can successfully slow down this negative process by training.
Mental aging, or, as experts prefer to name it, cognitive aging, occurs when one's ability to think, learn, and remember changes. This is a natural process and should not be confused with dementia diseases like Alzheimer's.
Exercise your mind the same way you do with your body, and your mental aging can be controlled by you for a long time.
Reading books, playing games with friends or grandchildren, and learning new skills are just a few examples of what you can do to feel much younger than many others your age.
My online business, where I have a mission to help and support other grown-up adults, is an activity I started ten years ago. It keeps me occupied and involved in something I love to do. The extra income streams from my business are just an extra icing on the cake.
There are many different factors involved when determining your Mindset. In general terms, we are dealing with external and internal influences. We all react and act differently based on those influences.
Your Mindset is shaped by your personality, which you get when you are born. Whatever
identification you have with your personality, you can change when you grow up.
"I'm too old for this."
"I learned it this way when I was you, and I'm not going to change it now."
"I'm old fashioned."
"Internet and the digital world are for the younger generation…not for me."
Have you heard these excuses, or should I say objections to refusing changes? People using these "barriers" will get older faster than people with an open mindset. It's important to challenge our mindset and be open to new experiences and technologies, regardless of our age.
Society influence
Last but not least, let's see how Society influences your Mindset and mental aging. Humans usually are herd species, except for a few lonely wolves like me. The environment around you has much more power over your behavior and Mindset than what you think or at least what you can accept.
Have you ever considered the difference in your clothing compared to when you were younger? Discrete, low-striking, eye-catching colors such as dark green, brown, and beige usually dominate among seniors. As a "lonely wolf," I love to stick out and often wear red pants, shirts with solid colors, and shoes that break the "standard."
But Society influences not only clothing but also how you should behave and, in many cases, how you should live. For mature citizens reaching retirement age, this pre-made frame can push you into a "ready-made" lifestyle without any major objections from your side.
You have landed in a comfort zone where you feel comfortable, but at the same time, you can feel depressed and horrified by your own situation.
How to Feel Much Younger by Doing What You Love to Do
Suppose Biological aging, Physical aging, Mental aging, Mindset, and Society influence represent the principal reasons behind your "real" aging. What is then the counterpart or solution?
Is it enough with the different counteractions to slow down your aging process, or are you missing something?
Your ideal lifestyle as a retired person is how and where you spend your time. After a while, you will think about personal finances. Whatever lifestyle you would like to have will require a certain amount of money.
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Watch the video and get ideas on how to solve it.
Here is the link to the page mentioned in the video: https://tvdmexonline.com/ModernWealthy15724
The way you acquire money has a direct influence on how you spend your time when you retire. Whether you like it or not, your total income will affect your lifestyle.
When I joined LaunchYou ten years ago (Six Figure Mentors back then), money wasn't the only trigger for me to take a step into the digital business world. After decades of successful positions in the corporate world, the fear of not being able to use my experience, skills, and knowledge was the main driver.
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Thanks to LaunchYou, I'm living a fantastic life at the age of 72, doing what I love to do. I'm also seeing how much an extra income stream can influence your lifestyle. In fact, I feel much younger today than I did ten years ago.
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