5 pictures you definitely need to take this summer
With August fast approaching the summer is very much in full swing. I always find that the summer is one of the nicest times to take really high quality photographs and capture some beautiful memories.
I know I’m not alone in thinking this. As a photographer I’ve thought about what types of images I (and my clients) like to capture in the summer. If you want a summer you’ll remember I’ve compiled a list of the five images you’ll definitely want to take (or get taken) this summer.
1 - Your kids on holiday
I’ve lost count of the number of parents I’ve met that wished they had more pictures of their children’s childhood. The early years of a child’s life are precious and worth remembering – family holidays definitely make up a big part of these memories.
One of the problems a lot of people ask me about is how best to get young children to smile for the camera. I can say from years of experience this is truly a tricky thing to master but I have two sure fire ways to get smiles.
Read the full article about this here.
2 - Your kids graduating
One of the happiest summer memories for children and parents in the summer is graduation. It doesn’t matter what level of education your child is graduating from it is an achievement that you’ll want to celebrate and capture as a memory.
Graduation season might be over for some, however if you haven’t quite had your ceremony make sure you read the article I wrote recently about graduation photography. It’s quite a specific type of ceremony to photograph and I’ve covered some of the best tips to follow to ensure you have great pictures at the next graduation ceremony you attend.
3 - Update your headshot
The summer and August in particular can be a slow time for business. Many of the small businesses and entrepreneurs I know use the time to catch up on paperwork and all of the smaller tasks that have built up over the year.
One of the tasks you should definitely take care of in the summer is updating your professional headshot. I’ve written previously about the need for a decent professional headshot and it is something that you should be looking to update every twelve to eighteen months.
Read this article for more good reasons on why you should invest in a quality headshot.
4 - Appreciate nature
Spring might have more of a reputation for nature with lots of animals and birds being born at this time of year, but summer is still an important time of year for nature. It’s so green and beautiful at this time of year this is in my view something well worth celebrating, getting out in the fields, woods or park and capturing the world in its beauty.
Even if you live in a built up area like I do, there will always be a green and natural space that you can use. If you have a dog or another pet that needs walking you might want to take them along for some lovely natural pictures.
5 - A picture of unadulterated joy
Summer is a time of fun and joy. Sometimes we get a bit bogged down and stressed with the need to have the most amazing summer holidays or perfect graduation photos, but that somehow lets us miss the point of the summer, which is to rest up and get a bit of perspective.
So this is my challenge to you.
The final picture for you to take this summer is one of unadulterated joy. Get out there and really have some fun, go to the beach or the park or head to the fun fair and make sure you take a picture of yourself having the absolutely time of your life. Believe me you’ll look back and know you’ll have captured a memory worth saving.
If you are going to capture your summer in just five pictures what would they be? Let me know in the comments below.