5 Online Branding Rules for Families

5 Online Branding Rules for Families

Everyone's life is an open book on social media. Therefore, you want to be able to control what that book says about your family.

Here are some ways to make sure your online activity is telling an inspiring story about those you love rather than a horror show.

  1. Share your successes. Let everyone know when your loved ones achieve great things and overcome huge odds.
  2. Avoid discussion of mental health issues like anxiety and depression (unless you're an advocate for a cause). You could create a stigma around your loved ones that's hard to shake.
  3. Do social media activities together as a family. Rather than everyone staring at their own devices, gather around a common device to share as a group. The family that posts together grows their brand together.
  4. Develop an online family branding strategy. Are you the future Kardashians? Does your family want to monetize its brand? Develop a solid strategy to make your joint content consistent.
  5. Have fun with it! Your friends and followers can sense if you're trying to force something. A fun brand is a genuine brand.

Raoul Davis is a Partner at Ascendant Group and the co-author of FIRESTARTERS: How Innovators, Instigators, and Initiators Can Inspire You to Ignite Your Own Life


