5 New Year's Resolutions for Your Business

5 New Year's Resolutions for Your Business

It’s the first Red Story of the year, so I guess it is okay to say Welcome to 2024. How is your year going already?

Here at Redbiller, we are off to a great start. All hands are on deck to bring?Redbiller 2.0?to life. Our mission is to make the internet safer for you to innovate, transact, and expand, so for every new year, the job is to work on delivering this experience. It defines our goals, tasks and efforts. It helps us measure our achievements. You can call it our default New Year's resolution.

New Year's resolution is perhaps something we all do in common every new year. It gives us hope that we can do better and become better. And if you don’t abandon it a few weeks into the year, you will have a year you are proud of.?

New Year's resolution is something you should apply to your business also. If it can help us get our lives in order, it can help get our business in order. If it works for improving our lives, then it can work for improving our business.

As stated above, Redbiller has a default New Year's resolution. However, going into every new year as a company, we have more than a few things we set out to do or get better at. That is what ensures you continue to have a great experience on Redbiller.

While your New Year's resolutions should be specific to your industry or niche, here are five New Year's resolutions you should consider for your business.

1. Increased visibility:?advertise, advertise, and advertise. Attend conferences and exhibitions, feature in publications, and leverage media partnerships. Put your brand out there for people to see this year. Nobody would patronize you if they had never heard about you.

2. Team expansion:?yes, it is time to get more hands on the team. With operations expanding, more hands are needed to ensure continued efficiency. Get more people to handle the influx of customers.

3. Brand expansion:?do something new this year. It could be launching a new product, a new support/experience centre, a new branch, a new department or reaching a new market. The point is to make sure you do something new with the goal of having a bigger brand by the end of the year. It’s a new year, so new things, yeah?

4. Digitalization:?this year, use digital tools to automate and improve work processes. That way, you can increase output while ensuring a great experience for your staff and customers.

5. Give back:?nothing is too small to give back or make an impact. Whether it is to your customers, a focus group or your immediate community, giving back humanizes the brand, and part of the perks of that is increased brand awareness and customer acquisition. Plus, you get a tax deduction. It is an all-round win for you. If this is not on your list already, you should consider adding it. What’s a great year without putting a smile on someone’s face?


The good news is that it is just the 12th day of the year, so it is not too late to set New Year's resolutions or edit the ones you already have for improvement.?

Also, the year just started; hit the ground running, but don't put yourself under undue pressure. On second thought, it is less than 355 days to the end of 2024; what have you achieved so far?



