5 new technologies to learn for present and future

5 new technologies to learn for present and future

Technology has always been about the mantra of 'change is the only constant', it has always changed into something that is bigger and better than ever before. Technology has now changed into a platform of quest of opportunities for tech aspirants, it has become more specific, personalized and skill oriented. An aspirant can now have easy chances to enter into their desired field by having absolute and fool proof expertise on that specific field.

Ditch the traditional way of approaching IT, embrace the new personalized platform by gaining expertise in one of the below given current trending technologies. These fields or technologies are currently ruling IT by their impeccable capability, learning one of these will help you to establish your stance in the field.

  • Machine Learning

Machine Learning is an application of Artificial intelligence that provides systems the ability to perform and take actions towards the given problems by its own, without any help of external inputs it should tackle the problem all on its own intelligence. This technology has been being used in the fields that mostly deals with lot of data like medical industry, IOT, etc. This technology makes the machines intelligent enough to attempt on given problems with their own problem solving approach, the machines will use the previous references of solving techniques to apply on given problems.

Machine Learning is greatly known for its application in medical industry, as it is being used in early predicting of medical pandemic and in detecting cancer cells in a patient at earliest stage. Currently, Machine Learning is also being majorly used to fight against COVID 19 pandemic, its quick predictions and accurate analytics are helping government agencies to have real time information about the virus in the environment.

Future scope of Machine Learning: Technologies like Quantum computing will bring new ideas into existence only by the help of Machine learning. Things are dramatically going to change in near future once no-code environment approaches to offices, specialists are already working on making it happen as soon as possible. Like such, there are many new ideas to be brought in future with the help of Machine Learning.

This Machine Learning course by Learnbay can help you to study the field.

  • Intelligent applications

We will generally know about the common types of applications like system applications and software applications but, the new type of application is the Intelligent applications which works purely based on AI and ML. Examples for Intelligent applications would be Cortona, Elsa speak, google assistant, etc. These applications uses historical data and real time data from user interactions and other sources to provide suggestions and to make predictions.

Data analytics and Machine Learning are the core components of these applications. Java, C++ and Kotlin are the programming languages that are mostly used in building these Intelligent applications.

Here you can take the course of Intelligent applications.

  • Cyber security

Internet has become a comfortable platform to perform all the activities even including business dealings and official dealings, so it is mandatory to secure all these data from the unethical hackers. Cyber security will provide virtual security for all types of data, it has become like basic necessity especially in fields of financial services, government agencies, defense, e-commerce and etc.

Future scope of Cyber security: Governments of different nations are investing huge sum of money on making cyber security as stronger as possible, future will bring much more fool proof technical security for essential fields.

Here you can learn cyber security.

  • Computer Vision

Computer vision is an interdisciplinary scientific field that deals with how computers can gain high-level understanding from digital images or videos. It is an AI technology that allows computers to understand and label images, it is now used in convenience stores, driver-less car testing, daily medical diagnostics, and in monitoring the health of crops and livestock.

Future scope of Computer vision: Self driving cars are already known to be the hottest upcoming technology, computer vision will be mainly used in this technology. So it will have endless opportunities in the field for those who has expertise in computer vision.

This course could help you to learn about Computer vision.

  • Data Science course at Managerial level

This is not a regular Data science course, it is a course specially for those who have experience in roles like Manager, Team Leader or HR. Such experienced roles will require a special course that will keep them rooted down to their skills in management and leadership, and help them have career based on these skills in Data science domain.

Is such a course really necessary?

Data science is a multi-disciplinary field, it consists of analytics, data processing, mathematics, ML and all other tools under a single roof, so there is high necessity of experienced people who will be capable to manage all the chaos existing in the field. People have common notion about this field that it is only the role of data scientist that matters the most, while the fact is that there are several significant roles in Data science like Data analyst, Analytics manager, ML-AI engineer, Statistics expert, Python expert, Big Data expert, Data base manager, etc. These are the different individual-contributor roles in the field of Data science. These roles will require training in the specific field that they want to have expertise in, so they can choose any course specific to the role they want to have in Data science. But these things will not be applicable when we talk about the roles like 'managers' in the field of Data Science.

The role of a Manager in Data Science will be about managing the entire processing of the field, they should have knowledge in every process and should guide their team mates when in distress.

Do you think a regular Data science course that which trains on programming languages, to be given to those who are aspiring to become managers in the field?

Definitely not!

The regular Data science course will help one to become a Data scientist but not a manager.

Scope for Manager's in Data Science: The field desperately needs domain experts who will have the expertise in different processes of Data and to manage the chaos of the field with proper experience. This need for such experts is currently there and will always be there until Data science remains.

This Data Science for Manager's course of Learnbay can help you to study the field.

These are the new technologies and fields that are currently sounding in IT and will also matter even in the dear future. Learning these technologies will be helpful in enhancing your knowledge in different fields of technology, that will be a perfect add-on to your resume.


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