5 Myths about Hybrid-Electric Flight

5 Myths about Hybrid-Electric Flight


Throughout the last couple of years, I enjoyed the opportunity to give numerous talks about the topic of electric flight and discuss its technical details with many people outside of the field. During these discussions it appeared to me that there are some misconceptions about electric flight that seem to be present.

I would like to bring you closer 5 of the most frequent “misconceptions” about electric aviation that I came across so far.

Upfront: I would like to highlight that this is not a “why electric flight won’t work” kind of article but rather an effort to discuss particular topics that caused a big “Heurica” moment when I discussed them with people outside of the field who wanted to get a better understanding of the big picture..

Misconception #1: We can optimize the turbine operation point and recuperate energy during decent

Many people are familiar with hybrid cars and the fact that an internal combustion engine (ICE) has typically a very strong relation between fuel consumption, rotation speed and current torque demand as seen in Fig. 1. During a typical drive from point A to point B, the ICE will experience many operation points where fuel consumption is everything else but optimal. Indeed, we have proof for this from everyday experience: If we drive through the city where the operation point varies a lot, the overall consumption is much higher than driving on a flat motorway with a moderate speed limit somewhere between Amsterdam and Eindhoven.

Therefore, as the efficiency of electric motors (and batteries) is constant in a wide torque and speed range, the idea comes to combine both, so that the ICE can run in its sweet spot while the electric motor provides extra torque here and there where necessary. One of the best realizations of this idea is probably the drive train of the Toyota Prius which consumes nearly half of what a comparable Yaris at similar performance would need.

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Figure 1: Typical performance map for an internal combustion engine. The specific fuel consumption varies more than 50 % depending on the engine speed and torque. Image taken from [1].

So why, does the same concept not apply to hybrid-electric aircraft propulsion systems? Let’s have a look on Fig. 2. Here the thermal efficiency of gas turbine is plotted against the percentage of its output power. Compared to car, the gas turbine will experience only few typical operation points during flight: Maximum power during emergency (almost never), 90% power during take-off, somewhere between 60% to 70% during cruise and < 30% during decent, landing and on-ground taxi. I put in these load points into the diagram.

Basically, the turbine runs most of the in the cruise operation point. If we can make it run all the time in the 80% to 90% power point, we could win about 2%. Another thing that one thing that one could think off is to redesign the turbine focusing on optimizing it to a very narrow operation range at a specific power in comparison to the relatively wide range of operation loads that a turbine has to handle nowadays. Although, I have not found any study specifically dedicated to that, I would assume that due to the high level of optimization that the gas-turbine has undergone already, the gains from such an optimization would not be larger than 1% to 3%. Some additional single digit gains could be achieved using green taxing, i.e. driving with electric in-wheel motors for the landing gear from the gate to the runway (and back) instead of running the turbine in an ineffective operation point on ground. However, one would need to heat up the engine carefully for a few minutes before take-off, anyways, and these effects do not add up nowhere near to 50% as in the case of the ICE in a car.

Further, thinking to apply energy recuperation during decent and landing (similarly to when a car is decelerating) does not provide the same gains as with automobiles. At first, an airplane has only one long decent during a mission. Secondly, the total energy that could be recuperated is rather low compared to the total energy used for a flight mission. For instance, for a typical A320 mission of 1500 nm, roughly 130 MWh are required. Of this energy about 2 MWh could be recuperated in the ideal case. I would assume that of these 2 MWh maybe, 50% can be recuperated in reality, i.e. 1 MWh which is less than 1% of the total mission energy. On a rather short mission (500 nm) the recuperated energy could be in the range of 2% (of the total mission energy). This effect is probably overcompensated by the challenge to design a propulsor that is efficient for forward flight but also for wind-milling (i.e. recuperation) at the same time.

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Figure 2: Typical Load-Efficiency dependency for airborne gas-turbine.

Misconception #2: Electric aircraft is quiet

Another common idea that we project from our “everyday” experience with electric cars to electric airplanes is that the latter have to be much more silent than conventional airplane just as electric cars are much quieter than cars with a combustion engine.

It’s important to reflect, that these experiences are mostly based on cars moving through inner-city traffic, where the average speed of the car is usually somewhere between 0 and 60 km/h and a majority of noise that we perceive is the roaring noise during acceleration. At such speeds the total noise emissions are dominated by motor (and rolling). Thus, a quiet electric motor helps a lot to reduce the overall noise emissions.

However, at speeds above roughly 120 km/h, the aerodynamic noise starts to do dominate over the powertrain (and rolling) noise – an experience that is even more commonplace to you if you live or work somewhere in Germany close to the “Autobahn” (German highway). As Tom Hawks expressed it once in an interview talking about his time in Germany: “This country is probably the only one on this planet, where I’m overtaken by another Porsche while driving 250 km/h on the right lane”.

Jokes aside, if we think about typical climb and travel speeds of passenger jets, it is obvious that aerodynamic noise is the dominant noise component. In Fig. 3, the noise contributions to the overall noise of a typical short-range passenger jet are shown. The total noise sums up to roughly 115 db. In fully electric configurations such as proposed by Wright Electric or a recent design study by the MIT [3], the gas-turbine that drives the fan would be replaced by an electric motor. Assuming that an electric motor produces no noise at all, the overall noise level would be reduced by roughly 5.5 db from 115 db to say 109 db – a difference that would remain largely unnoticed by most people.

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Figure 3: Noise contribution of various airplane components to the overall noise of a short-range passenger jet. The y-Axis is the sound pressure level (SPL) in db. Image taken from [4], data according to [5].

Nevertheless, although just replacing a gas-turbine with an electric motor and a battery, does not directly make an airplane quite, the design space that (hybrid-)electric drive trains open up for aircraft design could allow to build airplane configurations that have lower noise footprint. Two examples for this are shown in Fig. 4. In both concepts the propulsors are located either above the wing or the fuselage. Therefore, the noise that is emitted by the fans is (at least partially) reflected away from the ground. Further, seeing them flying from the ground both concepts provide a very smooth aerodynamical form that could further reduce the noise impact.

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Figure 4: Two passenger hybrid-electric aircraft concepts: The E-Thrust by Airbus (left) and N3X by NASA (right). The distributed fans are located over the fuselage; hence noise that is generated by the fans is partly reflected away from the ground by the fuselage. Image courtesy of Airbus and NASA.

In the case of general aviation aircraft that fly at speeds where the noise contribution from aerodynamic effects and the powertrain are on a similar level, a silent electric motor can make a substantial contribution for noise reduction. Indeed, overflight test of an EXTRA 330, once flying with a Lycoming AEIO-580-B1A piston engine and once with a RR260D motor, demonstrated a significant effect [6]. Compared with reciprocating engines, electrical motors offers very smooth torque creation characteristics that are also reflected in the noise footprint. Furthermore, as discussed in a previous article about eVTOLs, particular eVTOLs configurations could have significantly lower disc loadings than state-of-the-art helicopter due to their distributed electric propulsion design that is driven by the utilization of electric motors. Thus, possibly allowing lower noise emissions for VTOL applications.

Misconception #3: UAM will solve inner-city traffic problems

As we started with eVTOLs, let’s continue with an idea connected to eVTOLs and Urban Air Mobility. Some people imagine that eVTOLs used as widely available on-demand “AirTaxis” will allow us to extend the everyday commute into the third dimension and therefore solve on-ground congestion.

Let’s put some basic maths to analyze this idea. For doing so, I will follow largely a beautiful keynote [7] given by Kay Pl?tner from Bauhaus Luftfahrt last year.

The Munich Metropolitan area has roughly 4.5 million inhabitants, resulting in roughly 8.7 million trips per day during a regular weekday. If 10% of these trips should be operated by eVTOLs that would result in 870k eVTOL operations. Even at 1%, 87k daily trips appears like a large number compared to 1k daily aircraft operations at the Munich airport.

While there is certainly enough three-dimensional space in the air for such eVTOLs activity as pictured by popular Sci-Fi movies, all of them have to come back to the ground at the desired passenger destination. And this is is the domain where a specialized infrastructure comes into play. City planners, architects and heliport companies came up with various more or less ambitious designs, as a part of a “vertiport” design challenge hosted by UberElevate. One design that seems to be somewhere in the middle between ambition and realistic is shown in Fig. 5. It is designed for a capacity of 150 landings per hour realized on 4 pads; hence having a time-interval of 96s per landing. I leave it to the personal judgement of the reader to decide if this a convenient time interval to approach, land, roll to the loading stop, roll back, take-off and climb.

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Figure 5: Example of an UberElevate vertiport design for a capacity of 150 landings per hour. Image courtesy of Uber and GannettFleming.

At such a starting and landing frequency, Munich would require about 136 medium vertiports to cover 1% of daily commuter traffic and roughly 1365 such vertiports allow for 10 %. In comparison, Munich (including suburbs) has 250 over-and underground train stations, 173 tram stations and 1006 bus stops that are used for roughly 24 % of all daily trips. As the price of such a vertiport was not communicated, it is hard to estimate the required investment into such an infrastructure. However, just to find and acquire sufficient space for such an infrastructure in a densely populated city such a as Munich, seems to be a very challenging task.

Apart from the space, the required electric power demand cannot be met that easily with the current grid as electric flying has a much higher energy demand per passenger than driving in cars, buses or using the subway (Fig. 6): Indeed, if we manage to bring 10 % of daily traffic into the air, driving a Porsche Cayennne GT will appear almost as an environmentally friendly act in comparison.

Still, I would like to put my last paragraph in perspective thinking about the psychology of the typical customer and the business model behind UAM. As the ride sharing is organized by an external provider, probably eVTOLs would be operated most of the time at capacity above 50% (probably even above 70% if compared to current airplanes). In contrast most cars are used mostly by only one person for the daily commute. Thus, the averaged energy used per passenger-kilometer could be in the same range as for cars.  

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Figure 6: Comparison of energy demand for different methods of transport. Image taken from [7].

Misconception #4: Gas-turbines cannot be optimized further, so we need electric

The gas-turbines are marvelous pieces of technology that have been optimized to an incredible level throughout the last 70 years. As the efficiency is approaching more and more the physical limits of the Joule-Brayton-cycle and efficiency gains, that are strongly driven by material advancements but also from optimizing for instance the blade geometry, appear marginal, one can get the idea, that we are stuck on this path to reduce emissions.

However, looking at the achievements of the last decade, we see that there are still gains to make in the double digit percentage range. One recent example is the geared turbofan, such as the PW1000G that replaced the V2500 on the A320neo. It achieves a reduction in specific fuel consumption by 16 % by “simply” (“simply” in this context means a multi-billion dollar, O(10k) engineers, >10 year development program) introducing a one-stage planetary gearbox between the fan and the gas-turbine that allows to change the rotation speed of both parts and thus increase the by-pass ratio. The UltraFan program of Rolls-Royce takes this technology further for twin-aisle airplanes such as the A350 which would allow having similar emission reductions also for long-range flights.

Furthermore, there are still concepts and ideas that remained largely untouched regarding product development due to their complexity and other “low_er_ hanging” (not low!) fruits. An example of such a complex concept is the resonant pulse detonation cycle. As the name suggest, such an engine does not operate on deflagration of fuel but on cyclic detonation. One can easily imagine the manifold technical problems that arise with such an engine operation, starting with the injection control and not ending with high material fatigue. Nevertheless, a comparison of the thermodynamic cycle that is associated with this process would allow to increase the thermal efficiency up to 15% (s. Fig 7), therefore decrease the specific fuel consumption by up to 25% [8]. Other authors claim even higher values of up to 25% in increase of thermal efficiency [9]. Another, maybe less complex and radical option would be the usage of heat-recovery, where the waste heat is re-used and therefore not completely wasted as exhaust. Depending on the study, such a turbine with heat-recovery could also lead to a reduction in specific fuel consumption from 10% [10] to 40% [11] for a 2 MW turboshaft engine (s. Fig. 8).

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Figure 7: The ideal efficiency vs. compression ratio dependence for different thermodynamic cycles. Modern gas-turbine operate at overall pressure ratios of up to 60:1 which corresponds to compression ratios of up to 17:1 The Humphrey cycle corresponds to the resonate pulse detonation process. Image taken from [8].

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Figure 8: Specific fuel consumption as a function of engine power. Image taken from [10].

On top of gains in thermal efficiency, turbines may be run on different fuels, others than J-A1. Hydrogen is maybe the most obvious option to achieve zero CO2 and low NOx emissions. Furthermore, one can think about specifically designed synthetic fuels that have lower emissions, or even emit “good stuff” that “rebuilds” the Ozon layer and removes actively “evil stuff” if I am allowed to give my creativity an unlimited space for ideas..

The good news of this section for hybrid-electric propulsion is, that everything that I wrote above is not in competition (at least as long as R&D funding money is not considered…) but rather synergetic with hybrid-electric propulsion. As a hybrid-electric drive trains requires a gas-turbine, all its emission gains help also hybrid configurations. The hybridization on the other hand allows to realize new aircraft configurations, like STOLs, long range VTOLs or aircraft with boundary layer ingestion (BLI) [12], which further decrease emissions or allow new types of missions.   

Misconception #5: Superconductivity is so complex, it can never fly

The last misconception that I would like to dismantle, is the perception that superconductivity is such a complex technology that it is close to impossible to certify it and bring into a commercial aircraft.

I can surely agree on the fact that superconductivity is not a piece of cake. If you ever enjoyed seeing the inside of a quantum annealer, the design of its cooling system is quite complex. However, a cooling system that would be required to cool superconducting cables to 77 K or a superconducting motor to 21 K isn’t nearly as complex as a cooling a supersensitive quantum chip to temperatures of 4 mK.

Certainly, integrating a cryogenic cooling system into an airplane we will face a lot of challenges. But in contrast, think about the complexity of technology that flies us on a regular basis: Fan blades that have a clearance of only a mm at a diameter of 2000 m and whose tips are at supersonic speeds. Nevertheless, they usually don’t touch the nacelle during normal flight although they are constantly exposed to sonic air speed, changing air pressure, ambient temperature and dirt. Even if they touch the housing due to bird strikes or strong gyroscopic loads, the maintain their functionality. High pressure turbine blades which are cooled from the inside by 600°C “cool” air, so they do not melt while operating at temperatures very close or even beyond melting temperature. A combustion chamber that runs permanently at 1600°C and the corresponding injection system that not only allows to maintain control over the combustion but also regulate it properly on a sub-second time scale. Compared to this, a cryogenic cooling system, as shown schematically in Fig. 9 (left) for a HTS-power cable next to a Pratt & Whitney turbofan engine Fig. 9 (right), does not sound that crazy.

If we managed to fly on liquid cryogens to space on a regular basis and a technology as complex as a turbofan engine is the most safe and reliable way of powering travel on the planet, I am convinced that making superconducting hybrid-electric propulsion systems a certified and airworthy product, rather than being technically infeasible, it is a question of being persistent and open towards something new.  

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Figure 9: Schematics of a cryogenic cooling system for an HTS-power cable (left) next to a photograph of a turbofan engine (right). In comparison to the engine, the schematic on the left does not appear so complex anymore. Right image is courtesy of Pratt&Whitney. Left image taken from [13].


I imagine that reading this article one might get an impression of “So, if all of the above is true, why is there so much excitement about electric flight?”. In fact, it is not my intention to produce this kind of negative thought but rather give a realistic view on things. Once we understand, what electric aviation can probably not do, we can have a look on what hybrid-electric aviation can do for us. This is absolutely worth the time, efforts and money that is needed to make electric flying a common way of travelling. I will cover some of these things in the upcoming articles.


[1] x-engineer.org: Automotive Engineering – Internal Combustion Engine – Performance – Brake Specific Fuel Consumption, url: https://x-engineer.org/automotive-engineering/internal-combustion-engines/performance/brake-specific-fuel-consumption-bsfc/, cited on 01.07.2019

[2] M. Ekwonu et al.: ?Modelling and Simulation of Gas Engines Using Aspen HYSYS” in Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 6 (2013), 3, pp. 1-4

[3] A. Gnadt, R. Speth, J.S. Sabnis and S. Barrett: “Technical and environmental assessment of all-electric 180-passenger commercial aircraft” in Progress in Aerospace Sciences 105 (2019), pp. 1-30

[4] Jan Delfs: “E2Flight = silent?” presented at the e2Flight Symposium 2019

[5] Edmane Envia: “Fan Noise Reduction: An Overview” in the Proceedings of the 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (2001), AIAA-2001-0661

[6] Video on YouTube: “Noise comparison, Extra 330LT (internal combustion) vs Extra 330LE (Siemens SP260D electric)” (09.05.2018)

[7] Kay Pl?tner: “Future Perspectives of Aviation for Urban and Regional Mobility”, Keynote for the the e2Flight Symposium 2019

[8] M.L. Coleman: “Overview of Pulse Detonation Propulsion Technology” in CPTR 70 (2001)

[9] Piotr Wolanski: “Detonative propulsion” in Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2013), pp.125-128

[10] S. Kaiser, M. Nickl et al.: ?Investigations of the Synergy of Composite Cycle and Intercooled Recuperation” in Aeronautical Journal -New Series- 122 (2018), 1252, pp.1-20

[11] C.F. McDonald, A. Massarado, C. Rodgers and A. Stone: “Recuperated gas turbine aeroengines, part II: Engine design studies following early development testing” in Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal 80 (2008) 3, pp. 280–294

[12] S. Biser, G. Wortmann, S. Ruppert, M. Filipenko, M. Noe and M. Boll: “Predesign Considerations for the DC Link Voltage Level of the CENTRELINE Fuselage Fan Drive Unit” in Aerospace 12 (2019), 6

[13] A.F.Fan, L.H.Gong, X.D.Xua, L.F.Lia, L.Zhang, L.Y.Xiao: “Cryogenic system with the sub-cooled liquid nitrogen for cooling HTS power cable” in Cryogenics 45 (2005) 4, pp.272-276

#aviation #technology #innovation #uam #evtol #eflight #emobility #electrification 

Peter Malkin

Strategic Research Advisor at Newcastle University

4 年

Mykhaylo- An interesting read. I agree on much of this but there are points that I disagree on. Perhaps an email conversation might be useful?

richard ambroise

Senior Expert Aircraft Engineering

4 年

I am convinced that instead of BMW, we would see a reference to Airbus in future when associated to climate friendly aircraft.

Enric Pardo

Head of the Deparment of Superconductors at Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences

4 年

Really great article!

Dr. Helge Tielb?rger

Presales Solutions Consultant CAE und MBSE. Dort, wo technische Probleme gel?st werden. Bei Siemens Digital Industries

4 年

Thanks for sharing. Very interesting views and conclusions. Would be interesting to extend this towards business models of UAM manufactures.


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