5 must-reads for leaders focusing on the big picture

5 must-reads for leaders focusing on the big picture

Keeping eyes on the news and the finger on the pulse to share tips, recent trends and insights to spark a conversation about human leadership in the workplace.

With emerging trends and the continuous incorporation of technology into several industries, leaders may be fixated on the bigger picture – staying in the race with their competitors.

However, as most leaders focus on outperforming the rest and staying on top of their game, they end up losing track of the little things that matter the most. At these moments of disconnect, leaders must check in with themselves and their team to zoom in on the big picture.

Check out these 5 must-reads in today’s newsletter that prove essential for leaders to unplug, reconnect and rejuvenate.

1.?Leaders must start with compassion - Disconnection starts when leaders begin to subconsciously build barriers between themselves and their employees. This leads to not only lower engagement and higher attrition, but also manifests in the form of lacking compassion in how leaders themselves operate.

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2.?Bringing awareness to inner self – Oftentimes, leaders may feel disconnected not only externally, but internally as well as a result of overwhelming stress. Without a set outlet to recalibrate the mind, this eventually leads to burnout. Getting in touch with oneself at the time of stress is essential to prevent burnout or at the very least, to deal with it.?

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3. The vital step before beginning the journey of rejuvenation – Knowing when to unplug from the source of stress is a matter of self-awareness. The essential step of bridging the gap between disconnection and rejuvenation requires the cultivation of mindfulness.

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4. Rejuvenation requires nature and mindfulness – After an extended period of stress and disconnection, it is imperative for leaders as well as their employees to feel valued and appreciated. Both of these require getting back in touch with oneself and getting out of autopilot mode. Resting in nature is essential to do so.

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5. Use humor to reconnect with your team – Reconnection goes further than compassion. It requires light-hearted conversations and casual chats that make professional relationships genuine and brings a touch of humanness into them.?

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During a time when industries are collectively going through transformational changes, leaders must look at the big picture while also focusing on the minute details. Not paying enough attention to the building blocks of the foundation may eventually lead to toppling of the structure if it isn’t secure enough.?


