5 Months til 60!
Cathy Johnson
Transformational Life Coach | Speaker, Best-Selling Author | Marketing & Branding Pro | Women’s Empowerment Leader | YES Method? Trainer | linktr.ee/cathyalessandra
TODAY is the 6 month, wait - I mean 5 month point until my 60th birthday. (whoa - miscounted that one.) and for some reason, 60 has me a bit uneasy.
As I ponder the idea of turning 60 and entering a new decade, I realize I have far fewer days ahead of me than behind. And while I believe in God and Heaven, I'm not quite ready to go there. So while I'm here, what am I to be doing, seeking, teaching and reflecting?
In my 10+ years of coaching, I have seen many hold back and step back - ie. maybe when this or that happens I'll do X. And yet, this is our opportunity to complete what we once began or even start that new thing we felt called in to.
I've learned a few things in the 50's decade...
Menopause is real. Oh boy - is it real. Hot flashes, mood swings and weight gain - in all the wrong places. Health in general has been a challenge the last few years - including this year's full hip replacement that still hurts. But I'm being reminded that I have ALOT of years to live and I need to take back that health.
If you don't like me, that's ok. My younger days were filled with the desire to be liked. So, I said yes to everyone and everything to be one of the "cool kids", even in my 40's and early 50's. But guess what - it's ok to not be liked by everyone. I may not be your cuppa tea - and that's O.K.! Enough said. Moving on...
Friends. This one hurt more than my divorce. Or maybe about the same. Between friends not understanding my grief process through the divorce and choosing sides - to changes of seasons and not embodying similar values, I lost friends during my 50's. It was painful and it cut deep. But I had to honor myself in my process. I'm grateful for the friends still around and those relationships are deeper now than ever. Not to mention all my new friends, including my new friends by marriage! :)
Family. I'm blessed, and I know it. My parents are still around and kicking. My 3 kids are with amazing significant others and spouses. And this year I was blessed with additional family members with Mark's kids and grandkids, who welcomed me with open loving arms.
Love is Better. My 50's saw the end of my marriage of 29 years. And while it was a mutual thing and we are both better apart, there is a grieving that needed to take place. With that said, I did the work. I dug deep. I worked on being the best version of me. And prayed for a man who truly loved me. I believed and God provided. He gets the credit of bringing us together. We are about to celebrate our 1 year anniversary - and I have never been happier or felt more loved. Marriage is a beautiful thing when it's the right people together, forever.
So, as I look ahead to the 60 year mark, I've decided I need to make a couple adjustments NOW.
Career. I'm doing a few things I love and will continue to do. My coaching is making a slight shift to more focused life coaching with a side serving of spiritual. I've hesitated fully stepping into this calling but it's been made clear, this is the path - and I'm super excited. (Stay tuned for the new Divine YES to be unveiled in 2025!)
Health. This will continue to be a focus and truthfully, I have some very specific goals that I plan to celebrate come that official day in May.
Relationships. Intentional is the word that comes to mind. Whether my husband, my kids, my friends or my client, intentional time and presence will be at the forefront.
What about you? What do you see for 2025 and beyond?If you are thinking about dreaming for 2025 or living your YES year, grab my free download to start dream-storming - https://www.yesicanliving.com/grab-your-gift