5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Are Currently Making (And How To Stop Them)
LaShana West
Life and Mindset Coach + Business Therapist | Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Development | Self Awareness + Employee Wellness Support |Executive Business Coaching | Speaker
Gather around, entrepreneurs! It’s time to address some mistakes that you are probably making right now. But don’t sweat it - mistakes are normal, especially in entrepreneurship! It’s a big hypothesis where you are constantly trying, testing, and tweaking your strategies and techniques in order to reach success. There’s no shame if you fail or make mistakes - it’s all a part of the journey! So let’s check out five mistakes you might be making and learn how to stop them:
Mistake #1 - Believing False Narratives About Yourself
Who else used to have thoughts like “they won’t like me if they knew the real me” or “they’re going to find out I’m a fraud” going around in their head 24/7? I know it’s not just me. Entrepreneurs who experience imposter syndrome tend to create false narratives about themselves, such as feeling inadequate, that they can never belong, or that their success comes from external factors. When moments of imposter syndrome start to hit, pause and just breathe. Bring your feelings to light and take the time to assess them. Why are these feelings popping up now? What are some possible reasons why? This will help you calm down and feel less anxious. For more on imposter syndrome, check out Mistake #5!
Mistake #2 - Attaching Yourself To Unhealthy People/Environments
This mistake is one that not just pertains to entrepreneurs - it’s relatable to most people around the world! It’s easy to fall victim to toxic people or environments, whether you grew up with them or not. But don’t think that this has to last forever! You have the power to break free from unhealthy people and bad environments; it may not sound easy, but it is possible. As an entrepreneur, it’s important to feel like you are celebrated, not just tolerated from those in your network. Entrepreneurship can be a heavy load, so it’s essential to have the right support waiting for you when you need help or when you’re going through difficult times. Say goodbye to what is not serving you!
Mistake #3 - Having Scarcity Thoughts
A scarcity mindset is dangerous for an entrepreneur; similar to a fixed mindset, it means that you focus more on what you don’t have and believe that you cannot achieve more than what you’ve already done or cannot learn more than what you already have - kind of like viewing the glass as “half empty.” Try shifting to a growth mindset or an abundance mindset. This means that you are more optimistic about whatever comes your way and believe that your expertise, skills, and intelligence can be improved over time. You believe that life has a lot to offer you, whether it’s resources, choices, options, etc. You accept everything, the good and the bad, and focus more on the bigger picture. An abundance mindset and a growth mindset are keys to a level-headed entrepreneur and a successful business. Learn more about the different types of mindsets here.
Mistake #4 - Involving Yourself In Lackluster Relationships
Relationships are essential in entrepreneurship, and I’m not just talking about romantic ones - I’m also talking about business relationships, friendships, and partnerships. All of your relationships as an entrepreneur should have something going for them - most importantly, you should feel happy in them! Life is too short to be around people you can’t stand or people who can’t give you what you need. It’s okay to take a step back and find what you’re looking for elsewhere. Don’t forget to be polite about it though! As an entrepreneur, it’s not a good look to burn bridges.
Mistake #5 - Contemplating Your Greatness
I don’t know how many times I’ve witnessed a brilliant entrepreneur feel insecure about their gifts and accomplishments. Though we all have these moments of self-doubt, it shouldn’t be happening all of the time. We hold ourselves back from so much, even though we have everything we need to succeed. So if you’re faced with insecurity, I want you to think about feelings vs. facts. Facts are reality. Our feelings, while valid, don’t shape the true reality; they only create what we think is real. This is how imposter syndrome starts to form. In these moments, focus on the facts aka your accomplishments, milestones, degrees, analytics, etc. Don’t downplay what you’ve achieved and what you have in that beautiful mind of yours!
I hope that this was helpful for all you entrepreneurs out there! We all make mistakes - it’s just natural - but it’s how we deal with them and grow from them that truly matter at the end of the day. Which of these mistakes have you been making? No shame here! This is a safe place to express your thoughts and feelings. Leave me a comment below, and let’s chat!
Need additional support? I’m glad you asked! Book a complimentary clarity call with me here to get started: www.mswestcreativecoach.com/claritycall?
About LaShana West
LaShana West is a distinguished Business Therapist and Leadership Coach with over 20 years of expertise in mental health and professional development. Specializing in serving dynamic entrepreneurs, CEOs, and industry leaders, LaShana has a profound understanding of both personal growth and business strategy, making her an invaluable asset to high-achieving professionals.
Her career began in a hands-on role with individuals with developmental disabilities, a foundation that instilled deep compassion and a commitment to servant leadership in her approach. Progressing through various roles, LaShana honed her skills in program restructuring, professional training, quality assurance, and behavior modification techniques. These experiences have uniquely equipped her to guide creative and business minds alike towards achieving their full potential.
LaShana's dual expertise in mental health and business acumen allows her to offer a holistic approach to leadership and business challenges, addressing both the mindset and strategic needs of her clients. She is passionate about transitioning corporate professionals into coaching roles, empowering them to achieve greater financial success, time freedom, and peace of mind.
Whether you are looking to enhance your leadership skills, overhaul your business strategy, or achieve personal growth, LaShana West is committed to navigating you through the complexities of professional and personal transformation. Join her to redefine your potential and elevate your life and business to unprecedented heights.