5 Mistakes CFOs Make When Investing in New Technology

5 Mistakes CFOs Make When Investing in New Technology

A recent study found that 80% of companies use at least one emerging?technology in their finance division. Does this surprise you??

As CFOs, the burden often falls on you to stake out the latest technology that your organisation can benefit from. However, your job doesn’t stop at selecting a new finance software program.?

In fact, the successful implementation of finance technology requires consistent effort and oversight. Here are five common mistakes that CFOs make when investing in new technology, giving?you?insight into how to succeed in your organisation.?

#1: Automating the Wrong Processes

By now, we’ve all heard about automation at the top of discussion lists. Although automation can be a great tool to add efficiency?to?your organisation, it’s not practical for every business. When you are considering automation technology, do you evaluate the impact on your organisation’s pain points??

If the technology doesn’t truly solve your problem, it’s probably not worth the added cost. Before you resort to automation, optimise the process. This might look like hiring additional staff to oversee the function or defining procedures. Remove the hurdles and have the right processes in place before automating.?

#2: Failing to Consider Cybersecurity Risks

Cybersecurity is at the forefront of conversations?in 2023. Consumers are becoming more wary of businesses that lack the fundamental controls to protect their information, while your business faces growing internal risks from phishing and?cyber-attacks.?

Before you invest in your new technology, consider the cybersecurity trade-off. What are the vulnerabilities associated with?the technology? Failure to consider the cybersecurity risks of employing new technology can lead to?damage?to your brand image, financial losses, and data leaks.?

#3: Neglecting Employee Training and Change Management

After your company foots the bill for new technology, there’s no guarantee that it will increase productivity or be the holy grail?your finance department is looking for. In fact, if you don’t train your team on how to effectively leverage?the technology, you are wasting your money.?

CFOs that neglect to provide employee training (including all aspects of change management) can be met with resistance and low adoption rates. By sharing your vision with your team through initial and continuous training, you can improve your implementation success and give your business a resource to improve financial reporting and management.?

#4: Not Considering the Cost to Value Trade-Off

New finance technology isn’t cheap. Before you make the investment, you want to evaluate the cost to value trade-off, The “Value Journey”. New technology won’t make sense for organisations that see little to no value?in?adoption.?

For example, if you are considering a new financial forecasting technology to eliminate a portion of the manual workload of your employees, how much time is it expected to save? If it only saves your employees two hours of work and costs $250 a month, it might not be worth the investment.?And consideration must be given to the value that it may create for the organisation as a whole, not merely what it can do for finance.

#5: Engaging in Soft Launches

The point of disruptive technology is to overhaul existing (old and outdated) processes. Soft launches can lead to employees holding onto old ways of doing things – this sort of resistance to change may come in the shape of someone’s favourite spreadsheet.When investing in new technology, sometimes it’s best to remove existing processes and replace them with?new?technology.?

This might look like a full conversion to a new finance reporting software,?completely eliminating?the old software program. This not only forces employees to use the new?technology but?can streamline?your processes. You don’t want some employees using one software and another?group?using a different program.?

Why it?Matters

Understanding where other CFOs fell short ensures you don’t make the same mistakes. Finance technology is at the forefront of innovation, altering the way business is conducted, analysed, and examined.?

The traditional role of finance being a?back-office?function is no longer applicable, with these roles standing at the front lines of organisational success. To learn more about how your organisation can leverage new processes and transform. Reach out today to set up a consultation.?




Wayne Banks

Mentor| CFO | Founder | NED| Tech |SaaS |Professional Services| M&A| COO | PE VC + Private Coy Scale up | Angel Investor

8 个月

#extremefinance ?? Follow this hashtag to see more content

Wayne Banks

Mentor| CFO | Founder | NED| Tech |SaaS |Professional Services| M&A| COO | PE VC + Private Coy Scale up | Angel Investor

1 年

5 Big Ticket Items for CFOs and Business in 2023 Wayne Banks | 1 Jun 2023 https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/5-big-ticket-items-cfos-business-2023-wayne-banks


Great article, Wayne Banks. Couldn't agree more. I especially appreciate your last point - it makes me think of the idea of experimentation of ideas which isn't particularly prevalent in finance functions, and like the experimentation mindset I think this might trigger the 'perfectionism' tendency many of them have. Well done!

Paul Raschella CA

Experienced Senior Finance Professional | SaaS | Tech | Private Equity | Strategy | FP&A | Commercial | Controller |

1 年

Thanks for the share Wayne Banks. Good points. The change management side is always a challenge no matter the size or the organization. Buy in from different parts of the business can help with the changes

Peter Steube

Building Gartner's Community for free professional insights from actual peers - with no sales, self promotion, recruiting, or NOISE!

1 年

“Automating the wrong processes” - you have the attention of my network, Wayne Banks ??. Thanks for sharing!


