5 Mistakes to Avoid for Your Growth as a Teacher
Not going out of your comfort zone: If you always stick to what you know and are comfortable with, you will never grow as a teacher. Trying new things will help you grow as a teacher and also keep your students engaged
Not Upskilling: As a teacher, it is important to continuously upskill yourself to keep your skills updated and relevant. Not upskilling may lead to you being left behind by your peers.
Staying in the same job that offers no growth: A stagnant job stops you from growing. Leave a job if it does not offer you any growth opportunities.?
Not becoming tech-savvy: Many teachers who were reluctant or unable to use technology during the pandemic lost their jobs. Technology is a huge part of our lives and as a teacher, if you're not keeping up with the latest technology and trends, you're falling behind.
Not adjusting to varying learning styles of students: Every student has a different learning and cognitive style. It is important to be able to adjust your teaching methods to accommodate different learning styles.
The biggest mistake anyone can make is to not learn from their shortcomings!??