5 misconceptions with 5 solutions for training and development industry.
Have you ever attended a training session or camp but been dissatisfied?
Training Dissatisfaction is a result of many reasons. Let's check together:
let's check why trainees attend a training in the first place?
Trainees expect the training to cover both knowledge and actions. while in fact the below is the main objective of a training:
You attend speeches and trainings to change your way of thinking and your behavior towards a specific practice in your life. And hence, you can take a lot of actions. Training is supposed to
A trainer's goal is to deliver knowledge required in order for the trainee to
so, the question now: Who takes the action by the end?
the answer is: the trainee not the trainer.
And here is the first fatal misconception about trainings: it is the bias of identifying the trainer's mission versus the trainee mission.
So, A trainer's mission is to
A trainee's mission is to:
- If yes, so, a trainee need to set balanced expectations taking into consideration that knowledge is on the trainer but action is on the trainee.
-If no, so, simply, do not attend the training.
Here is the second misconception: trainees might
Here is the second misconception: The trainer does not tell you what to do but the trainer shares with you many suggestions and recommendations to help you to take the right action but here is a pause! you need to use the knowledge shared by the trainer to develop an action plan then consult the trainer by the end about the action plan and work on action plan development and improvement techniques suggested by the trainer.
now, we can answer a question. How a trainer can help a trainee with developing the action plan if the trainee did not develop an action plan yet?
yes, the trainer can help.
and this is the 3rd misconception about the training and development industry.
the trainer can help by
-develop creative ideas,
- present their ideas,
-listen to feedback,
-work on the weakness points of the feedback then
-develop a final action plan.
Action takes time, right! and this was the 4th misconception. Trainees always think that one or 2 hour of training can include both knowledge and action. and all is on the trainer. No! training is an active process with the below sequence:
conclusion, what to do then a message:
1- Training is for #knowledgesharing , #experience sharing and opening new neural #connections in your head then
2- People who do not appreciate #knowledge?or do not appreciate how their #criticalthinking?and #problemsolvingskills and abilities developed after a training session, will always be dissatisfied of the trainings and always classify trainings as bla bla bla and a show that has nothing with their #mental development and professional growth.?once a trainer shares the objectives clearly in the beginning of the training and once the trainee knows that that the training is an active process that needs the participation of the trainee and the trainer. both parties will get satisfied.
so, what to do now?
The way we think is more powerful than most of us believe.?
Think about it after every training you attend and ask yourself:
2- "Did a specific shared topic in the training changed something about my next step or a guided me towards the action that I should take?"?
And most importantly:?
3- "Did I expect the trainer to change my life in one or 2 hours? and what do I expect from myself? Knowledge is on whom and action is on whom? "?
A message to the recruiters of the trainers:
If you are a corporate or a startup trainer #recruiter, please, take the above and below mentioned facts about training into consideration while setting the job description and the KPIs of the trainer.
Unfortunately, The trainer's job description is not to put money in your pocket as much as share new ideas, new strategies of both success and failure then you take the action. Because the action that the trainer will do after the training is #feedbackanalysis then have a #break after long hours of preparing for and delivering the training.??
This article's purpose is similar to the training purposes. Just adding a fact or a new idea then action is on you now whether you are a trainee, a trainer, a trainer manager or a recruiter.
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