5 Mindsets That Breed Failure

5 Mindsets That Breed Failure

Let’s face it, successful people are positive thinkers. While they may not be free from challenges ( no one is ever free from challenges), they take on challenges and responsibilities and this ownership mentality makes them accountable, tenacious, and resilient in the pursuit of their goals. Our thoughts influence our actions.

Our thoughts are shaped by our realities (which include our environment, beliefs and customs that have pervaded over the years), and our realities shape our existence. As I was going through one of my old notes, as I keep a lot of them, I stumbled on a write-up that necessitated this article. The write-up stated five reasons for the causes of failure. There is a plethora of reasons, why many people experience failure, however, this article x-rays failures that come from our thoughts and these thoughts shape our mindset. Our mindsets are entrenched beliefs ( rational or otherwise) that prompt our actions and inactions.

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Children on Career Day

To begin with, let me say that no matter how positive you are about a situation, sometimes it might not turn out well. However, positivism has been noted to impact our actions and galvanize people into acting on their goals, dreams, and desires. In this article, I will share these thoughts and also proffer how we can get rid of them. Hopefully, this might resonate with someone and give them the impetus to rethink and reappraise how they view and address issues.

1.?????Thoughts of failure

2.?????Thoughts of inadequacy

3.?????Thoughts of unbelief

4.?????Thoughts of unacceptance

5.?????Thoughts of lack of accomplishment


-?????????Thoughts of failure come from the angle of lack of ability, capacity, and competence in addressing an issue or taking up a challenge. “ What if I failed”, comes from a mindset that fails to believe in their abilities, capacities, and competencies even when it has been proven that they possess these abilities. Failure and failing are two different things. One is absolute and the other is relative. Failing does not make one a failure. Seeing oneself as a failure means accepting that no remediation can change the situation, however, failing, means not working to plan, and this can be corrected when identified and addressed. In dealing with this mindset, think about things that you had done in the past and the commendations that were received based on those accomplishments. Sometimes, reflecting on our earlier success can help us deal with a failure mindset. Look at your past wins and accomplishments and let them drive you into making moves for new terrains.


-?????????Thoughts of inadequacy come from their environmental narratives that aim to provide a standard for all based on a particular issue or the other. Sometimes, they are just opinions of others that have come to be viewed as an ideal, a truth of a belief. Questions such as “What does a woman want?” can sprout a feeling of inadequacy in a man or a woman and make them feel “ not enough” in handling a situation. In this case, discovering your reality can be an antidote towards this line of thinking. Sometimes people say what they don’t mean and mean what they don’t say. Don’t let anecdotes shape your reality.


-?????????Thoughts of unbelief come from the mindset of mistrust and suspicion. This mindset runs under the impression of undermining a position, act or thinking that can positively impact one’s position. Some people believe that they can never be rich, no matter the effort that they put into their lives. They see other people around them fail, and they just naturally do not believe that they can experience something better. This is why some people stay on a job until they become surplus to requirements. They just do not see themselves outside their immediate environment. This is a thought-driven limitation mindset. To deal with this, strengthen your faith and belief in a higher pursuit and being that can make things happen for you.

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-?????????Thoughts of unacceptance have driven so many people under peer pressure, leading them into making lifelong decisions that hurt their dreams and actions. Keeping up with the Joneses and following the crowd has led to mob actions and deindividuation leading to my final mindset of thoughts, which is the thought of lack of accomplishment. In seeking acceptance, believe in your uniqueness and respect the uniqueness of others. We are all created differently, and it is good to be different at times. Appreciate your individuality and when you seek companionship, understand that your expectations might be challenged.


-?????????Thoughts of lack of accomplishment come from the mindset of never rewarding yourself or acknowledging the recommendations of others concerning you or your actions. There is wisdom in celebrating your wins. Give yourself some praise and acknowledge the remarkable things that you have done and achieved so far. It could be ditching a terrible habit or completing an online course. You need to cut yourself some slack. Waking up is an accomplishment and staying safe in this unpredictable world deserves a pat on the back.


As someone once mentioned, thoughts are things, and these things can shape one’s experience and reality. As a man thinks so he is and will become. If you think you are special, you probably are and if you think that you are not special, you probably are. What are you thinking about yourself? Give yourself a breather and believe in your abilities. Even if you fail, believe that you can start again and become better. This is the mindset of successful people.?


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