5 Mindset Shifts to Speed Up Your Success
Maggie Perotin
Business & Executive Leadership Coach | I help SMEs scale and transform into valuable sellable assets | Self-development geek | USA Today ABC CBS NBC Published | Expert Profile Columnist | MBA
I find myself writing a lot about mindset and high-performance and less about marketing, branding, or strategy even though these are part of what I coach my clients on as well.
It's because, when I look at my clients, most of them know what business strategies they should be using. And what's really slowing them down in creating their dream results are mindset and/or lack of good structure and habits in the way they run their business.?
So today, I want to offer you 5 mindset shifts will help you make more money in your business.?
Shift 1: From blaming to 100% responsibility
When we blame external circumstances (others, economy, universe) for the results we're not happy with, we give our power away. We renounce the belief that we create our future, and everything is possible when we take full charge of it..
We're always responsible for our actions and the the results they create.
And even though we are not responsible for many things that happen to us, we're still in control of how we react to those external things.?
Because our brain likes the easy way out, when things don't go as hoped for, it works against us. It wants to direct our thinking to the external circumstances most of the time, trying to stay comfortable, safe, and protect our 'ego.' Even if it means us feeling miserable.
Especially when we end up withdrawing from pursuing our goals, feeling hopeless and thinking that no matter what we do, the results won't come due to all those circumstances around us.?
So I want to offer you this shift.
The next time you start thinking that the reason why people aren't buying from you is them, Facebook algorithm, or the economy, stop.?
Stop, take a deep breath and go back to things you can control.?
You can't control other people's reactions, or social media platforms, or the world outside. But you can control the value you put out there and how you communicate that value.
You can control how attentively you listen to your ideal clients, how well you understand them, and whether you tell them what you do and how you can help them.
Your results are within your control as long as you take responsibility for your thoughts, emotions, and actions.?
Shift 2: From avoiding fear to welcoming it as your lighthouse to success.?
Fear is our brain's response to the unknown. This is how our "primitive" part of the brain is wired to keep us alive at all costs: "ahh, we haven't done that before – it must lead to death! So let me come up with all the ideas why then we shouldn't be doing it."
And yet, every result you ever wanted lies on the other side of fear. In a sense, fear is a great indicator of what we need to do to achieve our goals. It shows us the way.?
Sacred of doing videos, but deep down, you know you should to help your people? - Now you know what to do.
Terrified of talking to people you don't know but you love talking with your clients?- Networking is the first step to build a relationship with them.
Walking through the fear is how you get to success. It's right there on the other side.
The best thing is that you have the courage to do it in you already.
How do I know? Because you feel fear. Without it, courage would not be needed.
Shift # 3: From spending to investing?
As individuals, we spend time, money, energy, and other resources.
As the CEO's we need to invest the same resources.
What's the difference?
When you spend, you don't think about gaining more time or more money in the future. Spending in not to generate an ROI.
You buy a purse, a dress, or watch TV for 3 hrs, you're not getting more funds or time in the future out of this.? At best you enjoy yourself :).
When you invest, you expect to get your resources back with a return in the foreseeable future. It's like depositing your savings into the bank and getting the interest in return without losing the money you put in.
?The shift that I'd like to offer is to become the INVESTOR in your business.
Whatever you do, whatever you buy, think of future results.
Is scrolling thru social media feed and comparing yourself to others creating a potential and space for future results?
Is buying that 10th online course really going to help you be more consistent? Learning a lot might be just another way to escape to actually avoid all the "scary" but necessary work you should do to become consistent. Knowledge is power ONLY when implemented.
Becoming an investor teaches you to take calculated risks. It teaches you patience. It trains your brain to wait rather than crave instant gratification. I pushes you to take scary but bold and smart actions investing your time, money, and energy into things that will deliver quantum leaps of growth in your business over time.?
Shift # 4: From "failures are something to avoid" to welcoming them as part of the journey.?
I actually don't like to word failure. I want to think of it as opportunities for improvement. Because as humans, we are not perfect, and we will never be. So giving yourself permission to be human is the first real thought investment you can do for your business.
We can always get better.
Your "failures" are great teachers. You will grow exponentially if you take the time to evaluate and learn from your experiences. If you don't get hung up on that one launch that didn't bring as many clients as you thought it would. And instead evaluate, learn form it, and tomorrow do better with the new knowledge.
Shift # 5: Focus on giving value without expecting the specific results or the timing of the return
If you want your ideal clients to start coming to you to help them, give value first.
Massive amounts of it so it can create a ripple effect that comes back to you.
Give 10 X more in value than you think you should. Be of service. Without the entitlement or expectancy of the reward.
When you do that consistently, your circle of influence will grow. You will establish yourself as an expert, a leader who walks the talk. In no time people will be asking for your help.
Here're 5 ways you can give value:
- Inform – your knowledge and you sharing it is a valuable currency
- Share your story to inspire others. Show them how you created results for yourself so they will believe they can do it too;
- Listen - people need to be heard now more than ever;
- Give perspective - it will create mini transformations, a-ha moments for your audience and establish you as an expert;
- Connect - use your network to help others connect.?
Happy Friday!