5 Mindset Roadblocks That Are Sabotaging Your Career
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5 Mindset Roadblocks That Are Sabotaging Your Career

By Ashley Stahl, Originally Published in Forbes

My favorite people in the world to work with are those who want to make major changes in their lives and in their careers.

Some of my clients come to me because they need help figuring out what they want to do for a career, and many of them come to me because they already know what they want to do...they just don’t know how to do it. They’ve survived the winding road of self-discovery and feel ready to tackle the future, but just as they start to see the path straighten out before them, they encounter some unexpected roadblocks: Mindset Roadblocks.

These are some of the most common Mindset Roadblocks I hear from my clients.

Mindset Roadblock No. 1: I’m scared of change.

My Response: How do you feel – really, truly, deeply -- about the status quo? More often than not, once a client starts talking through their frustrations and exploring the root of their unhappiness, they come to the conclusion that continuing with the current situation really isn’t an option: The only way out is honesty.

Mindset Roadblock No. 2: I’ll have to walk away from all the progress I’ve made in this career and start from the bottom in a new one.

My Response: Is it really true that you’re abdicating all of your experience? This is a common frustration, and it is without question that most people in the world have forgone their dream career just because they’ve invested so much time already in a career they don’t even really like. Don’t let that be you! You may not have the skill set you need to jump in at the top of the game, but if you’ve been grinding away in your current line of work, your resume shows – at a minimum -- that you are reliable, hardworking, and motivated. More often than not, I see job seekers convince themselves that their skills are not transferable… I couldn’t disagree more. Ask yourself: How does my past tie to the thread of the future I want to have? More often than not, you’ll realize your next step isn’t totally off. Never pass up a goal because of the time it takes to reach it.

Roadblock No. 3: All the “sane” people in my life think I’m crazy.

My Response: The majority of the workforce is job hunting at any given time… Why? Because they’re not happy with where they are… Yet here we all are, listening to that unhappy majority when it comes to making our career decisions. When you are about to take major leaps in your life, you shouldn’t be taking too much advice from those who do not love what they do... So many people settle for mere stability, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re successful, and more often than not, it doesn’t even mean they’re happy. Start looking around for those who have taken huge risks and reaped huge rewards, and model yourself after them, not the “normal” ones.

Mindset Roadblock No. 4: I don’t know if I’m ready.

My Response: This is just resistance wrapped in excuses (sorry, but I have to be honest with you!)… If you wait until you’re ready, you’ll never start. There are a million reasons to push these leaps off for another day: You worry your skills aren’t perfect, your LinkedIn profile photo is too outdated... Trust me, there will always be a reason you’re not “ready”! And even if you run yourself ragged fixing all the holes and polishing all the rough edges, you’ll find new ones once you take the first step. In the words of Helen Keller, “avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.”

Mindset Roadblock No. 5: Maybe it would be better if I made this a side project.

My Response: This is the classic back-peddling move and frankly, a big red flag for me when I’m working with a client. Sometimes starting out in a limited capacity is the most appropriate course of action, but generally if you’re not willing to give it 100%, you’re not going to make it. It has nothing to do with the quality or legitimacy of your dream – you’ll fail because you don’t believe in yourself… And if you don’t, how can you expect others to believe in you?

I’m here for real talk—I hope you don’t mind the honesty.

You know how they say, “showing up is half the battle”? This doesn’t just refer to the importance of showing up physically. You need to show up mentally and emotionally every single day, even when your confidence is dropping and your energy levels are asleep at the wheel. That means showing up and making a change when it’s not convenient, and facing the truth of who you are at all times.

While a coach can really help to keep you on track, your mindset is your responsibility… And know that your external results are always a reflection of your internal reality—only always.

For a FREE course to land a new job you love, launch your dream business, or find your purpose, visit AshleyInternational.com.?


