5 - Maslow: Only one side of the pyramid?

5 - Maslow: Only one side of the pyramid?

I would like to talk to you about motivation, but from a different perspective; the one we developed together with Dr. Claudia Cristina Behn-Eschenburg Schollenberger .

Motivation is about getting someone to do something they didn't plan to do or didn't want to do.

When motivating, you have to be aware of a risk that is often overlooked, because "being motivated to motivate" is not the same as actually managing to motivate.

If we place ourselves on the side of the individual, we see that each person is motivated by the satisfaction of different needs.

It is a difficult subject because "there is no time" or "there is no interest"; typical arguments used by the company, the school, the family or the partner to avoid contact with what each person wants or expects from life.

However, just because it may be complex does not mean that trying to achieve it is not beneficial, nor that the need for expected behavior is overrated.

I would like to remind you that in our OntoPsiquis? theory we describe 56 ways of being, all of which are natural and normal, and each of which has a different motivating factor.

Therefore, it is necessary to review Maslow's model, which has been so widely used for more than 80 years.

Maslow linked motivation to the promise of need satisfaction. He defined five levels and tried to identify which level employees were at in order to sell them an opportunity to access the satisfaction of the next level.

a. Physiological needs

b. Safety

c. Belonging and love

d. Esteem

e. Self-realization

Standardizing, a very usual practice in administrative environments, he considered that his scheme was common to all human beings.

In OntoPsiquis?, we say that each of the 10 ontotypes (essential personality type, genetic, not behavioral) and each of their 56 combinations, after its biological need to sustain its life, has a single primary need:

1. To be perfect

2. To be loved, cherished, or needed

3. To be valued

4. To be (to have an identity)

5. Being an expert

6. To have security (a socio-economic network)

7. To have stability (freedom from danger)

8. Happiness based on fun

9. A territory in which to exercise power

10. Peace and Harmony

Each person's primary need is the key to interacting with reality.

You must understand this in order to adjust your message to their code.

If you don't, demotivation will occur almost immediately.

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We'll read each other in the next edition, with “Each to their own"

#dranibalsantoro #ontopsiquis #thinscen #HR consultancy, #inner #strengthening #coaching, #psychoanalytic #psychotherapy


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