5 is Magic
Dr. Victoria Boyd
Consulting and Support, Education and Resources. Logic Model Training, Nonprofit Corner Podcast, Marketing, Fundraising, Google Ad Grants, Start a 501c3 - ASK ME HOW.
Yes 5 is the magic number as The Philantrepreneur Foundation approaches its 5th Anniversary. We are proud to have served hundreds of nonprofits and thousands of individuals by supporting the sector and this community. We even just completed our 5th month open as the only training facility in Nevada to focus on nonprofit capacity building. As we move into our next 5 years we want to do even more and here's how you can join in.
Give Us a High Five!
Donate $5.55, $15.55. $25.55 or an amount of your choice. Your support will boost our capacity to offer more quality training, more awareness opportunities and more resources. It will help fund and establish the Capacity Building Award, which supplements training fees for organizational teams. For every staff, board, or volunteer we support it allows that organization to be more effective and efficient, and dedicate more funds toward their mission. That's a real WIN-WIN! Donate your way. CashApp$ or Zelle (702-577-7369) or Donate Here!
Sept 12th Celebrate our 5th Anniversary with Us!
Donate clothing, toys and more. 5 Weeks, 5 Days, 5 Hours.... yeah we know how to work the 5's. Starting Thursday August 8 bring items to various drop off locations. Then on Sept 12th join us for 5 hours of fun as we celebrate! Drawings, food and more. See schedule on full flyer here. Thanks to our sponsors Danielle Eugenia Photography, GAMEWORKS (get free 30 min game card w/donation), Storage West, Rigel Studios, A Taste of Neon, Next Stage Communications, Jim Root Speaks and Warriors for Life.