5 listening tips - The power of great listening
Check out 5 tips on how to improve your listening - plus how to remember names easily.
When people feel truly listened to they feel heard and valued, when people feel valued they are more likely to work productively and be more engaged with their team and the leaders.
Just think about the last time you were listened to well, how you knew that and how it made you feel. Equally think about a time when you know you were not listened to at all, and what the impact was on you and your opinion of the other person. I find this the most powerful way to get in touch with the power of listening - when we relate it to our own experiences.
There are two ways we may be in the habit of listening to others – we may be strongly one way or the other, but most of us will find that it can change from time to time, depending on what is going on, what the situation is and even if we have had enough sleep or fresh air, anything that can affect our concentration can affect how we listen.
Read the full article and tips here
Try some of these things and watch what happens as a result, its exciting that 1 or 2 small things can make all the difference
Take care
Jen Tyson