5 Lessons To Learn Sooner Than Later In Life

One of the most common thoughts I did hear from a majority of my own clients over the years was “Satish, If I had only learnt this early in my life, I would not have wasted all my time on unproductive activities.” So, if you are someone who do not want to talk the same language couple of years from now then read the next few paragraph carefully and you will be thanking yourself more than me in a short time.

Enjoy The Present Moment

When was the last time you just enjoyed being in the present? I will guarantee you that 8 out of ten people would find it extremely difficult to be in the present. Reason is a no brainer. Right? Majority of the people are worried about things which are yet to happen in the future or worse ruminating about the past mistakes and failures.

Being in the present is a choice and you have to give yourself the permission first and then you have to pick up pockets of time during the day, where you can always be in the present. Believe me -  getting worked up either about the future or the past is draining of precious emotional energy.

The worse part is that this will be happening in the background without you realizing this especially when you are supposed to be in the present. Working to be in the present is nothing but giving your 100 % to the things you are doing and not allowing your mind to wander around in any other direction.

Just like any other habit, start small and I will guarantee you that over a period of time, you can and will build on it.Some of the things which I do personally on a consistent basis to work on being present is

  1. Early morning run or yoga
  2. Workouts in the evening
  3. Post work out swim in the evening
  4. Reading a book during the day (sometime it can be even for 20-30 minutes)

So pick on something which you can easily do and take the first step today in the right direction.

Life Is A Journey, Not A Destination

Each one of us do have our ups and done in our respective lives. Just like how when things are going great we are in our best version, it is also important that when things are not going great we should still be in our best version. Hear me out before you jump into any conclusion. Just take a step back and go back in time when things were going great for you personally or professionally. Just run through these checklist

  1. How was your body language?
  2. How was your tone?
  3. How was your perception?
  4. How was your thought process?

Now, go back in time and think of the situation when things were not going too well and run through the same checklist. What is the learning? Am 100 percent confident that it will be poles apart. Now you might ask me “Satish! We know all this. What is the solution?” Well! The solution is nothing but telling yourself that everything is temporary and nothing stays permanent.

What can be a great day, week or year can completely flip and vice versa. So enjoy the good times and give your all to Thrive and BE more. Same goes with challenging times. Hold your horses and make all the effort to weather the storm.

If you are someone who needs a Professional Life coach to walk with you when you are navigating your way through then just click on the link below to schedule a call with me personally and we can hit the ground running.

Yes! I Wan’t To Hire A Professional Coach For Myself

Change Your Perception & Change Your World

Are you aware that the way you see the world and process the information goes a long way in cementing your belief system? Yes, your belief system can make or break you. Let me share with you my experience of working with Brinda couple of years back.

Now Brinda was exceptionally brilliant in her work and was extremely successful in her professional life. However when it came to her personal life, she in her own words was a total failure and pathetic. She had gone through two painful divorces and was in her late 40s and getting back to an empty home every evening did get into her.

She realized that she was not enjoying her job or the corner office for the simple reason that her perception when we began working together was that her personal and professional life had to be great to be termed successful.

However, not everybody is lucky in this aspect. I do know this because over the last one decade I have worked with hundreds of clients and spent more than Ten thousand hours of active coaching. It is very few people who do have a great personal and professional life. Lot of work goes in this aspect which I will cover in some other blog for sure.

However with Brinda, once she changed her perception she began to enjoy her job and developed some great professional relationships. She looked at the glass as half full and everything which looked grey began to change for her for good.

Lisa Firestone Ph.D shares some brilliant insights about perception in this article.

You Are Your Biggest Investment

When I was in the Corporate world just like you, there was a time during one of the meetings which did go on for couple of hours and nothing constructive was being discussed. Everybody had their own axe to grind and prove a point. I was not enjoying my productive time being spent like this but was compelled to be in the meeting  just because my boss and key people were present there.

That is when I decided that I have to take charge of my own life and do the things which I would love doing every day of my life for the next couple of decades at the least. On hindsight my entrepreneurial seed was sown in that particular meeting, when I realized I had sat through for almost the whole day without any gain for me or anybody in the room.

I bet most of you who are reading this blog can relate to my thoughts. Once you are disconnected from your job, I will guarantee you that unhappiness will seep into other areas of your life. This is exactly what did happen to me and my suggestion is to do whatever it does take to enjoy the work you are doing.

I do know that it is not practical or doable for everybody to become an Entrepreneur and do something of your own.

However one thing I do know is that when you invest in yourself, you are guaranteed to become more successful in your own journey. One of my previous blogs focusses on one such investment you can make for yourself.

If anything, you would want to begin the journey of fulfilment or discovery then take the first step in self-investment. Take the first step today and schedule a call with me personally and we can being the journey of self-discovery and I can share with you my own experience.

Yes Satish! I Wan’t To Take Up The Call

We Only Have One Life

Most of the people whom I do see struggling in the rat race, do function on the thought that they can always work on taking care of their health, spending time with their family or doing the things which is most important at some other point of time in their life.

However do remember that we all have limited time and only one life to live to the fullest. Living your life to the fullest is nothing but taking massive control of your life. Focusing on empowering things in life and insulating yourself from jealousy, self-doubt, hatred and comparison.

Yes once you stop doing the disempowering things in your life, then you will be surprised as to how much more energy you will have to do the things you really love. Every day I wake up with a purpose and begin my day by doing the things I love. I am so blessed to work with some of the most talented individuals who give me an opportunity to step into their life.

My whole day is spent on things I love doing and I would never trade this for anything else no matter what the price is.The reason I am sharing this is to gently remind you that live your life like it is going to last for another week or two and do the things you would love to do. See new things, meet new people and do and think well, because the world does require more positive energy now than any other time.

If you are someone who is looking at making this your blueprint then I would be glad to speak to you and more than happy to walk the path with you. Just click on the link below to schedule a No obligation call with me by clicking on this link

No Obligation Call

Clicking on this link will entitle you the following 

1.Exclusive one-on-one Coaching Call with me personally. 

2.One week of personalized coaching on your area of challenge 

3.Unlimited Non-voice support through the week

4. Customized content in your inbox to motivate and guide you through the one week of coaching.

If you are looking at someone working with your core team on this aspect, then I am happy to say that I can personally come to your office or do a short(60-75 minutes) intervention through Webex and show your team how to break these patterns and make each one of them an effective star performer.

Just click on the link below to schedule an Intense Strategy session with your team with me personally.

Yes, Satish I want you to work with my Team


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