5 Inspirational Life Lessons from Bill and Melina Gates Divorce
Jessica Glazer
Recruitment Director | Top Canadian Recruiter | Placing $100k-$500k+ Roles Across Canada | Fractional Talent Acquisition Specialist I Montreal-Based | Truth Teller | Top 1% on LinkedIn at MindHR Inc Placement Agency
Shocking or not, Bill and Melinda Gates have announced they are divorcing after 27 years of marriage.
Bill Gates is the co-founder and former CEO of Microsoft, LinkedIn's parent company and massive philanthropist establishing the Bill and Melina Gates Foundation.
As the world is watching looking for the story of this high-asset divorce, there are several key lessons to learn from this high-profile breakup.
What’s more, these lessons apply to everyone!
#1 Plan To Fail
No one goes into a marriage thinking it won't work. You may try everything to make it work but sometimes it doesn't and there is no way to know that in advance.
So protect yourself. Have your own bank account, earn your own dollars..
Know how to pay your bills and what your bills are.
Educate yourself to empower yourself.
#2 Cover Your Ass..ets!
You can only control what you know when you know it, but you can cover yourself before.
Sign a prenup, ensure there is a signed document stating what is and was yours before your marriage or at least understand what you are entitled to before and after you sign a marriage contract.
#3 Pay For Your Teammate
Know who's on your team...legally and financially.
Friends change, and even family changes in a divorce but those you pay to take your side, will always take your side so ensure you have the right team players that are HIRED to protect you.
A mediator won't necessarily me a middle person so spend to save.
Always hire a professional who is there to protect you, it is literally their job.
#4 Develop Your Story
Divorce is hard for the parties involved and the kids. Have an agreed upon story to make it easier for everyone. When you are all on the same page there is no going back with "he said" "she said" there just is.
#5 LET IT GO!!
Once it's all said and done, understand that it is a done deal. There is no going back, there is just moving forward. Marriage is hard, divorce is hard, dating is hard but what's hardest is the societal expectations we have on ourselves to "make it work"
If it doesn't work, it doesn't work.
Let go of what was, what could have been and accept what is because...
Bonus: Don't believe everything you see. Most families you see in pictures are in fact broke homes behind closed doors..
Most couples you see "living their best life" are struggling inside with what that means with who they are with.
So understand..
There Is No Price Tag On Freedom or Happiness
Jeff Basos divorce cost him 38 BILLION dollars "creating" the third most richest woman in the world and Melina won't be too far behind so whether we are rich or poor,
Famous or unknown
We all have the right go to sleep at night with peace and wake up in the morning with a brighter sense of freedom and purpose but planning to fail for problems is failing to plan for solutions.