5 laws of money management
- Write expenses/ records (Analyse, observe and learn from records for further improvisation in monthly budget. Like understanding needs vs luxury. What’s affordable or expensive)
- Save up to 25- 30% in multiple funds (Spend rest on livelihood and other requirements)
- Become financially literate (Empower others to learn, to indirectly grow your money as growth of global economy)
- Use money to make money (If you are beginners then start with savings of 4–7 years here[1] & use that fund as investment and continuous source of fortune/wealth here[2])
Follow the above rules that’s enough if you are honest and dedicated to make change in your life and money management.
a) Learn 1 thing & apply with heart vs b) learn 10 things and implement nothing in life.
Which approach seems much better ‘a’ or ‘b’?
Share your feedback in comment.
Tip: You can start saving with Rs 100 if you are passionate and dedicated to be financially independent.