5 Killer Habits Every Senior Leader Needs
Adam Smith
High Performance Coach For Business Owners. Transform your health and mindset to thrive in your life and business. Sobriety- Mindset- Nutrition- PT. BOOK YOUR FREE CALL TODAY.
These are the five killer habits that all senior leaders need, but before we dive into that, I want to go over some of the challenges they face.
Senior leaders can lack confidence, especially when presenting, in the boardroom, or trying to win new work from clients. They might not feel good enough to be there, and people can sense that lack of congruence. Their energy is off, belief systems are weak—“I'm not good enough,” “I have impostor syndrome,” or “What's the point?” They also tend to neglect their health, habits, and home life. At home, they might snap at their partner and children because they’re anxious.
Today, I’m going to dive into healthy habits and how you can turn this all around.
The first habit is decision-making. You might be sitting there deciding, “Should I go to the gym?” Even indecision is a decision. Whether you choose to go, not go, or just sulk, it’s still a decision. Every decision is only good or bad in hindsight. You see this in football—if a player or coach makes the right call, they’re a genius; if it goes wrong, they’re criticised. What I help senior leaders do is access better resources, so they can make decisions faster and more efficiently, with fewer mistakes.
The second habit is the ability to read the room. Common sense isn’t so common, especially when it comes to understanding people's emotions. Increase your sensory awareness when scanning a room. If people are disengaged, start engaging them. Don’t talk at people for 40 minutes straight—engage them with questions or ask for input beforehand if they might feel uncomfortable sharing in a group. Read social cues and body language to keep people engaged.
The third habit is growth. If you’re not growing, you’re stagnating or even declining. Growth can be emotional, spiritual, or financial. Don’t try to go all in too quickly. Start small and build. Drink more water, spend more time outdoors, eat healthier. These small habits compound over time, and in 90 days, you’ll see a noticeable change. Invest in yourself—whether that’s a coach, a book, or starting a new practice like meditation. Aim to be 1% better than yesterday.
Another key habit is setting boundaries. You teach people how to treat you. You decide what you’ll tolerate, and effective communication is key here. For example, if your partner is being erratic, calmly express that you won’t engage with that behaviour. Boundaries apply to your work life too. Don’t let others dictate your calendar; carve out time for yourself to avoid burnout.
The final habit is building confidence. The best way to do this is to follow through on what you said you’d do. Don’t overpromise. Start with small commitments, like going to the gym tomorrow, and then do it. Every time you follow through, you build confidence. The key is to make realistic promises to yourself and then execute them.
I believe that everyone needs someone outside their circle to push them and hold them accountable. Even top athletes like LeBron James and Lionel Messi have coaches.
So, are you ready to step up your game? If so, DM me with 'ready'.
P.S. To learn more about how to progress both personally and professionally, visit my YouTube channel.
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1 个月Kill habits ??
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