5 Keys to Remember when Starting a New Department
In the past few years I have had the opportunity to start new departments, those being in Audit, Revenue Assurance, Performance Management, Software Development as well as Training departments. Over time you realize a few things as being key to a successful department in the context of the business. Am going to call these things "keys" as they can be the ones that unlock a successful department.
First Key: The Problem Definition
It is critical to know why the department is needed in the first place. It may have been requested through the CEO, MD or Consultant report, but whatever the origin of the request was, there is certainly a problem definition that was identified. If you are lucky the problem definition may have been articulated in a strategy session with appropriate documentation, but in most cases the problem definition is not as articulated in documents as is known in the organization. A conversation with the highest office can quickly give you an idea on what the department is supposed to be solving. It could be a mere compliance issue however in being compliant a business value needs to come out.
The justification of relevance is found in the problem definition hence subsequently the solution. The department must be the epitome of a business value that the department can be identified with. Hence there must be no identify crisis, it must be clear what the department is about.
Second Key: Documentation Tools
This may seem like an obvious however so many people miss it. Documentation is not just about the department strategy plan but entails much more. True the strategy plan has to be done and must be the first thing you do. The objectives of the department as they cascade from the main organization objectives must be clear and easy to interpret. The culture of the organization is important and so is that of the department. Other documentation that you need are the initial operational templates that need to be used in the department. In some cases it may mean that you require software to enable you to produce the correct templates for work but in all this you need to identify the quick wins for documentation. What is it that your department needs to be able to function in the preliminary period? I have discovered that you need to have templates which standardize how everyone who is to be part of the department will approach and deliver work. Naturally these templates will be improved on as time goes but starting with something is essential.
Third Key: Culture
It is "true" that the organization has its culture however you need to ensure that your department culture is clear. In creating a Performance Management department one of the ethos I had to make sure was instilled was efficiency and effectiveness. We would not just do things, but for us 2 pm was 1:55pm, we had to instill that culture because with a department such as a performance management department you have to know what is happening and have all the information ready. So depending on the type of delivery that is required from your department the culture must enable the department to succeed. In an audit department I always found that being as organized as possible was critical to achieving the ultimate objective for the department. Everyone looks up to you for guidance so you cannot just "blurt out" you need to be calm and collected. Discipline and being Measured is key for that kind of culture.
Fourth Key: Personal Recruitment
As much as the organization recruits in a certain way, be the one with the final say on who gets recruited into your department. You need the right people in the initial stages so ensure you recruit the people that go with your culture because you are the one on the firing line. Accountability stops with you. If you think you made the wrong recruitment then ensure probation is used wisely, probation is not a guarantee for a job. Get people that are able to help you justify the existence of the new department. Remember recruitment is not just a social issue but a business exercise in which you are looking to meet the business objectives.
Fifth Key: Quick Wins
Organizations are political mine fields. You don't know who your department is threatening or when you go to sleep, you cannot be sure who is awake plotting your downfall. You may be excited about the department and the values it is going to create for the organization but some people may be looking to justify why you are not even necessary. I remember at another company (medical company) after starting the IT Audit function one of our quick wins was in project management for an IT System. My involvement there was to ensure that IT Risks and Controls are fully understood and considered, but not as the enemy of the project but as a resource who is also interested in the project.
Quick wins are easy to find if you have understood the problem definition. The ones to unleash is where "professional wisdom" is needed. Not all quick wins must be released, the organization may not be ready. Stay grounded but be lifting off.
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1 年Thank you for helping me gain perspective on what I should be doing. Do you have any book on this subject that you would recommend?