5 Keys to get ready and stay ready in 2022
The last couple of years have been funky, to say the least.
Most of the time I’m an extremely optimistic and positive person by nature. I have this ability to see the silver lining and expect something better from the future. Even though I’m still very much like this, it has become increasingly hard to look positively into what’s ahead and prepare for what’s coming up.
I would hope that many more people are now able to stay present and focus on what’s in their control in the now and immediate future. Looking too far just doesn’t make sense, at least to me it doesn’t.
Of course, I have Goals and pipeline dreams that I’m actively in the pursuit of, they just have lost a bit of their meaning. My concentration has become increasingly about what can I do today and in the next 90-days to better my situation, make myself stronger and more resilient.
One of the better quotes of the year that really sunk in with me was the one from a famous 200m runner Curtis Mitchell, who said:
“When you stay ready, you never have to get ready”
Today I wanted to share with you five (5) of the pillars that I believe are the foundational elements to get ready and stay ready in 2022.
These are also the framework of my coaching practice and the lens through which I look at the process of sustainable change for individuals.
“Know You -Do You”
Knowing who you are, what you stand for, and who you are intended to become. This is not the easiest starting point, I’m fully aware of that, yet nothing worth aiming for is often easy. Knowing yourself takes an honest inside and outside look into your current situation, your beliefs, and your values.
This process evolves throughout our lifetime and never really stops as we progress through our journeys.
All the experiences we have in life, especially the bigger ones shape our identity.
It is a good idea that we understand how malleable our internal self can be. Often we resist this natural tendency towards progress by trying our hardest to stay the same. We hold on tight to keep our old habits, beliefs, and behaviors.
Understanding that even our deepest core is adaptable, to me speaks volumes about the opportunities we have. Change is a constant process, and we should embrace it, all the way down to how we see ourselves and our place in the world.
Knowing yourself today and whom you want to become tomorrow is possibly one of the most clarifying and empowering starting points in Personal development.
“You only need to win the lottery once”
Once we have better Clarity of ourselves, the next step becomes about the target and destination we want to aim towards.
Think about the ship that sails on the Ocean. What if they had no port that they are heading to? They would have not left the port in the first place! Think about that.
I’m fully aware of the quote: “Not everyone who wander are lost (at sea).” Yet for the Purpose of this part and our intention, it is necessary to set the sails straight and head out to sea with the destination in mind.
This might be one of the more important aspects to understand: Intention is for the mind because it gives our thoughts and monkey mind something to think about.
“Feed the Beast” as they say…!
I have personally taken this idea of Intention all the way to the level of my Lifestyle. It just works for me and my understanding that I want to live a very Intentionally rich Life yet allow enough room for wonder, play, and unfolding of the possibilities that I might not be aware of.
A simple and functional exercise that I learned from the book High-Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard is the 60seconds “Release Tension, Set intention” habit. Every time before starting a new task during the day, use a quick transition ritual of Releasing the tension from the past task and setting Intention for the new one.
As a final note on Intention. We only need one ticket to win the lottery, the right one. Focus more on doing the right thing instead of aimlessly doing what’s not needed.
Especially High Performers and Achievers are living their life with a high degree of Intentionality.
“Create Space, Plug the energy Leaks and know How To increase Intensity”
Many of us are just coasting through life with the same cruising speed all day long. It can work for some time and keep us moving forward, but at some point comes the moment that we might get bored and jaded with the lack of progress.
What if we didn’t have to reinvent the whole wheel, but increase the heat. Especially if our habits and intentions are already firmly in place and productive.
Maybe we just have to Increase the Intensity...?
And as one of my friends a long time ago told me:
“When in doubt, double Up”
This might be a slippery slope for the ones who lack Emotional understanding and resilience. Knowing how to handle our emotions is a key part of the puzzle when it comes to the need for Increasing Intensity.
And again, High Achievers have mastered or are well on their way to developing great Emotional resiliency to be able to manage what comes when the intensity increases.
“Focus on the fundamentals. Do the basics really, Really Well”
We are living in the age of tips, tricks, hacks, and shortcuts! Many forget the focus on the Fundamentals.
They are not sexy, fast, or try to sell you a tropical gate-away to Bora Bora and forget the reality.
These are the actions that are knocking on your door every single day. They are not asking if you are ready or not. If you don’t answer the call, someone else will!
There are plenty of people who are highly distracted giving away their power first thing in the morning. If you have read this far, I’m sure you are looking to create a greater impact in the world with your actions, yes?
When your answer is a solid YES, then make absolutely sure that your Fundamentals, those actions that have the biggest possibility for impact are consistent!
For me currently is making sure that this newsletter goes out weekly and my writing is progressing each and every day!
To be able to have a bigger impact on our surroundings, it is often the case that we need to do less in quantity and more in quality. Increasing the intensity and Intention of our single actions as referred from the previous points!
And the funny thing about this is that even after you have become a success, ?we still need to keep doing the basics really well! Because after all, that’s how we got to the mountain top in the first place!
Hence so many people slip and slide when they taste the sweet nectar of success. Don’t be one of them. Stay on the Top as there are other higher peaks waiting for you!
Make it about a Lifestyle
Last, but definitely not least, this could be the most powerful idea of getting and staying ready in 2022!
Instead of doing it all for the Goal Achievement or reaching a new milestone, make it about your Lifestyle!
When you are rethinking your approach for the new year and beyond 2022, you want to think of changing and shifting the Lifestyle that allows you to experience life to its fullest.
As I wrote in my previous article: “Lifestyle is that perfect intersection of our Identity and what we do on daily basis.”
Making the changes on this level is not always the easiest yet they provide the biggest satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment in the long term.
All Green Lights,
PS. As always, I would love to know if anything sparked further interest in this piece? Do leave your ideas in the comments below!
Speak Truth to Power
2 年There are very few lightning bolt moments in life. Success comes from a combination of small wins. Sometimes a tiny change reaps great rewards.
?1.5 lac followers ?Health weight loss and Lifestyle Coach ?Paid collaboration ?Paid Promotion ?Self-Esteem ?Motivation Coach ?ADHD Coach ?Health Educator
2 年Motivated already Tuomo Vauhkonen
Co-Founder at Vision Infotech | Empowering Businesses with Zoho, Custom CRM Software & Automation Solutions | Digital Marketing Expert
2 年We can't expect to grow in the outer world if we are not growing within and even if we are growing in the outer world then it would never stay forever!!
Transformation & Positive Intelligence Coach | Teacher on Insight Timer ?? 300.000+ Listens | Speaker | Author | Ultimate Guide for Executive Assistants | Change Champion
2 年You are one of the best coaches I know, dear Tuomo Vauhkonen and you prove your 100% effective approach with this great article. Here's to 2022! I can tell you are ready, you were born ready. So am I. Cheers, my friend!
Co-Founder - AlignH Trading & Distribution | Food Services Industry | Leadership Student | Jazz Enthusiast | Book Nerd
2 年Thank you for sharing Tuomo.