5 Key Reasons Why Paid Search Should Be Part of Your Inbound Strategy

5 Key Reasons Why Paid Search Should Be Part of Your Inbound Strategy

We can no longer deny the significance of inbound marketing. Customers are smarter, and they know what they want. It’s not about seeing something and buying it on the spot. It’s about research, looking at reviews, and checking out feedback on social media. Consumers have various media methods at their fingertips. And with the migration more toward inbound, it’s imperative to be where the customer is at the right place and the right time.

Inbound marketing is about nurturing the customer through the journey to purchase. And paid search is a strategic element of that journey.

Are you using PPC as part of your inbound strategy? Below are five important reasons why you should:

1. It’s There When They Are Searching
According to Mashable, U.S. adults spend about 11 hours per day with digital media. That’s a lot of time! And during that time we go to search engines and start doing research, or think about something we might want to purchase. And having your PPC ad there ensures you are there when they are online and doing searches.

2. It Can Complement Your SEO Efforts
PPC can be there if your SEO results are not quite where you might want them to be. Granted, with PPC, showing up in the search results is based on a variety of factors such as CPC, Ad Rank, Quality Score, and budget. However, having search results show in both organic and paid listings shows that you are more relevant.

3. It Provides the Ability to Change Messaging in Real Time
One of the best things about paid search is the ability to create messaging that is targeted, with a call to action – and then can be changed quickly and easily. Have a business that has hundreds or thousands of products and prices that change daily? Paid search tools like ad customizers, this process can be made more automated, and real time. The usage of site links and extensions can also enhance your ads to provide additional links and information to consumers.

4. It Can Have a Broad or Targeted Reach
If targeting a broad audience is your objective, PPC can provide this, based on your settings. If you want to target a very geo-specific area, paid search can provide that as well. This tactic can be very useful if your have a more limited paid search budget, or if you are only wanting your ads to show up in a certain geographic area.

5. It Can Provide Lift to Other Marketing Strategies
A customer will touch a vendor multiple times before making a purchase. And this path can be in a variety of media forms – it can start with something offline, like a magazine ad. The Top Conversion Paths in Google Analyticsprovides the ability to show the sequences of how people convert on your website, as in the example below.

This view of how people convert using various channels can help you develop more synergetic marketing strategies. It’s important to have paid search alongside your other channels in order to capture your potential customers and any point of the purchasing funnel.

Having PPC as a component of your inbound program will help ensure your marketing strategy captures your future customers at the right point in their buying journey.

Source- Search Engine Watch


