5 Key Points To Consider Before Diving Into Your App Idea
Kristoffer Collopy
Commercialising Sustainable Solutions | Science & Innovation | Ethical Kollektiv
If I had to guess I’d say you’re here because you’re looking at developing an app and potentially a digital business.
You’re likely feeling a combination of excitement and nervousness. Possibly don’t know where to start. And that’s alright.
The world of tech startups can seem daunting. Even more so if it’s your first time building a digital business.
The good news is you can relax… because Launchpad has got you covered.
One of the main questions we are asked by our clients is what sort of planning and strategies need to be designed before you move into the development of their concept.
And rightfully so, it’s a big commitment. You want to make sure you’re building something that users are going to want and provide them value.
If you can’t provide genuine value to users why would you expect users to use it? And in turn provide you value? Whether it be paying a subscription cost or generating advertising revenue from sponsors, the value is a two-way street.
This blog covers the key “planning must do’s” before you take the plunge into development. At a high level, what you need to do to commercialise a innovative app idea into a business.
Image Source: socialtables.com
Now we know some items on this list might seem a lot of work, this is why we can help our clients every step of the way. Including each stage of the pre-development phase detailed below.
1. Sell it to me in 30 seconds
Have you ever heard of an elevator pitch?
It’s the idea you could make your pitch in the time it takes to ride the elevator. The ability to sell something in 30 seconds.
Here is an example of a great elevator pitch: youtube.com
In that video, the speaker was able to provide a clear, compelling narrative in under 2 minutes!
The key being: A convincing and compelling narrative, explaining why you do what you’re doing.
It’s what hooks the listener in, that makes them want to know more. That’s what will get you the contact.
You need to be able to describe the value your app delivers in a few seconds because with most potential users that’s all you’re going to get. If you don’t win them over straight away they will lose interest and just move onto the next app on the app store.
This is known as the High-Level Concept. A must when describing your app.
Bottom line: the value must be clear!
If your having trouble, here is a template you can use.
“(App Name) is an app that (describe the app value) for (who it’s for) because (a problem)”.
We tried this with the UberEats app.
Uber Eats is an app that orders food and has it delivered to people because they can’t (or don’t want to) travel to get it.
This gets the idea across quickly, just before the elevator doors open.
Image Source: marketing4ecommerce.mx
So with that, what would be the first thing you say to someone to describe your app idea?
2. Let’s build a testable business model
Have you heard of a Lean Canvas business model?
This is the framework for our pre-development workshop. It’s the gold standard for business planning in the tech startup space. Made famous by Eric Ries in his book The Lean Startup.
So what does it actually do for you?
It gets better business results, faster.
Because a Lean Canvas business model is a shorter, entrepreneur focused business model.
It’s highly malleable and also actionable right away. It effectively treats business problems like a science experiment.
Image Source: medium.com
A principle that is taken from The Lean Startup by Eric Ries: Build, Measure and Learn.
- Build a set of assumptions. You assume what you are making will work from your research. Research on your target audience, research on their behaviours and purchase habits.
- Measure market feedback, measure every little thing about it. How it runs, it’s marketing and ultimately how much it makes.
- Learn and implement in the next iteration. So next time you can improve and release a better product or run a better service. In our case, release a better app, in the form of an update.
Today, a Lean Canvas business model excels because a business plan is rigid. It’s a set of rules, saying this is what we sell, whether anyone wants it or not!
But a Lean Canvas business model is fluid. It responds to the market and adapts.
As should your app.
This is why the Lean Canvas is one of the most important things to do before you get your app developed.
Where to go next:
Looking to create a startup business from your app?
You might need to look at getting a startup grant:
3. Does solving this problem create value?
Will your app get rid of a problem your target audience faces and wants to solve?
Some examples of apps already solving problems are:
- Bored? Kill time with Angry Birds.
- Lost? Get directions with Google Maps.
- Stressed? Meditate with Headspace.
If you aren’t solving a problem, why would someone download it, even if they do why would they continue to use it?
Image Source: carneyco.com
This might sound obvious, but it’s better than the alternative.
The alternative is putting your time and effort in, only to see that people have no need for your app.
So let us help you validate your app. give us a call. Have a chat with one of our app strategists today!
We are more than happy to have a chat about your app and discuss validation strategies!
Where to go next:
Have you experienced virtual reality yet? Read our blog on it if you’re interested: VIRTUAL REALITY BLOG
4. Does your app provide a great User Experience?
You might be thinking, what is User Experience?
The User Experience is human-centred design. What will this make the user feel or do?
What are the users wants or needs?
Even if your app does something really cool, if it isn’t easy to use, your users likely wouldn’t bother using it.
How have you reacted to apps that weren’t easy to use? Maybe they just didn’t make sense?
I would bet that you deleted them, without thinking twice.
This is why a good user experience is important. At our core, this is what we do at Launchpad.
The meaningful interaction between your user and their purchase. We aim to improve customer satisfaction and ease of use, giving the user an enjoyable interaction with your app.
To design this, we lay it out. Creating a wireframe. A wireframe is just your app broken down step by step, how you want the app to flow.
If you would like to have a go at creating a wireframe, download our template.
Here is some our work!
We create this after we have done a Pre-Development workshop together.
Combining your wants and needs and market knowledge. We create the experience that users actually want.
5. Ready to go? First, take it for a test drive
You wouldn’t buy a car without taking it for a test drive right?
So why make an app without getting a prototype?
A prototype is every screen we designed together and put into a program. This program imitates the functions. Which lets you navigate all the screens as if it were working app.
Like a test drive, it lets you get a feel for what the final product will be. A feel for what the app will be like once its up and running.
If you’ve gone for a test drive in a car, what have you noticed? Maybe something wasn’t right, the steering wheel was too small or the suspension was too soft.
Missing something to make it just perfect.
Image Source: uxpin.com – We promise to make a better prototype than this!
The same goes for the prototype.
Without it, you could be missing something necessary in your app. Or maybe you just simply didn’t like the layout. Something you wouldn’t have noticed until you’ve tried the prototype.
That’s why we believe prototyping is a must when creating a mobile application.
It’s the final thing we at Launchpad deliver as part of our Pre-Development process.
Letting the user ‘test drive’ their idea. It’s the quickest and easiest way to validate your idea amongst those you want feedback from.
The Pre-Development Process is a lot of work. It can be daunting. That’s why we don’t recommend going through it alone.
This is what our Pre-Development workshops are for. Using our knowledge and expertise we guide you through everything.
So together, we create an app that you want… And your users just can’t put down.
So give us a call, so you can transform your innovative idea into a successful app.
Where to go next?
Have you heard of the Internet of Things? If not, it’s an exciting new way technology is going to transform our lives, read about it: INTERNET OF THINGS BLOG
Kristoffer Collopy
Cover Image Source: technotronicsllp.com
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Book in a FREE Discovery Session with one of our App Strategist.
Tags: App Development, App Development Melbourne, App Startup, Launchpad App Development, mobile app development, Must do when developing an app