The 5 Key Elements of An Effective Boss - Part V - Etiquette
Etiquette, a.k.a. manners, polish, protocol, propriety, courtesy, refinement, & politeness, etc., is a common measure of civility. It is also a key element for effective people, especially bosses. Etiquette is a universal custom practiced in all cultures and regions of the world. It is a dividing line that separates the socially developed from the socially ignorant. It has nothing to do with formal education or one’s age. Rather, it has everything to do with the quality and maturity of one’s character. As children, many of us were taught that politeness was an imperative. We were taught to say “please, thank you, no thank you, and good morning”, etc. Our parents wanted us to succeed. Etiquette, they correctly believed, would help us get there. Of all 5 Key Elements of an Effective Boss, etiquette is the most discernible. Its presence or absence can easily be determined by being in someone’s company for a brief time.
Civility in American culture has been eroding for some time. An expanding coarseness has encroached on the space vacated by etiquette’s fading. The 2016 presidential election is only one of countless examples of words and behaviors that would have been unthinkable not long ago. The business world has mirrored this ugly trend. 21st century practices have triggered many unprofessional attitudes and behaviors. Common affronts like habitual lateness, scapegoating, questionable, if not illegal, hiring tactics, bullying, meanness, oppressive management, digital addictions, and a pervasive indifference and disrespect to anyone deemed lacking in value. Ruthless terminations and inappropriately handled layoffs have left many people angry and disillusioned.
Except for, perhaps, Wall Street, no one wins because the resulting costs are staggering! A Gallup Poll claimed 70% of the American workforce was in some degree of disengagement. Disenchantment with their employers, jobs, and careers has resulted in marginal and subpar employee performance. Imagine the lost revenue!
Have you ever worked for a rude boss? Unfortunately, I have and more than once. It was like (I could only imagine) being transported to an alien world in another universe. Everything I had been taught, known, and believed was utterly irrelevant. For me, it became a simple matter of survival.
Any boss who eschews etiquette, creates a dilemma because they are an embarrassment to their employees, if not their employer. Who would be proud to admit they work for or hired such an ignoramus? An association like this cannot be healthy for anyone’s brand.
Conversely, an effective boss is endowed with etiquette. They are keenly aware that basic etiquette begets mutual respect with employees, colleagues, superiors, and customers. Respected employees feel appreciated and recognized and are happier and more productive. Productive employees are more profitable employees. Rude bosses, sadly, do not understand this simple business truth and are a liability to their organization. Why their services are retained is a $64,000 question.
An effective boss demonstrates their etiquette by behaviors and practices that include the following.
- Expressions of gratitude and refinement like “thank you”, “no thank you”, “good morning”, and “good afternoon”, etc. are second nature.
- Unconditional respect for all. Regardless of status, everyone including temporary workers, contractors, vendors, and job candidates are treated respectfully.
- Tactful & compassionate handling of layoffs and terminations.
- Management by walking (Skyping or calling) around is a regular ritual.
- An active interest in employee welfare is demonstrated. If an employee is beset by personal tragedy, for example, full support and empathy are given without hesitation.
- Respect for personal space and privacy.
- The Platinum Rule is followed. “Treat others the way they want to be treated.”
- Sensitive information is handled with discretion.
- They seek to understand others before expecting others to understand them.
- The effective boss listens before talking. Attentive listening practices are a billboard for professionalism and RESPECT.
- Recognition is freely given.
- Whatever happens to be good and successful are the cultural focus. The negative will always capture the required attention when appropriate.
- Quick responses to employee questions and other communication are consistent.
- Meeting etiquette. Meetings are conducted in an atmosphere of professionalism and efficiency. Everyone has a voice and respectful conduct is required, without exception.
- Email etiquette. “Blowing off” others is not acceptable. Salutations are automatic. Topics inappropriate for email are handled in more appropriate ways. Email is never used for emotional exchanges. The “Reply All” function is sparingly used, etc.
- Assumptions are just assumptions.
- A fostered culture that makes it painless to admit mistakes.
- Making things “right” is etched into their code of conduct.
- Diversity, in all forms, is regarded as an attribute.
- Humor is fun but never hurtful.
- Attendance and attention at company-sponsored social events.
A boss’ job is never easy. So much focus and accountability are thrown upon them with precious little reward. But, what about their employees? What part do they play in the success of their boss, department, and organization? It certainly isn’t fair to blame bosses for all ills! Ineffective employees, not their bosses, are sometimes to blame for problems that plague organizations.
What are the key ingredients of an effective employee? I’ll discuss that in my next post.