5 Internet Marketing Tips For Amazing Results. (The Last Is A Gold Mine)
Christopher Paulino
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Blog originally posted on IMR
Internet marketing tips are all over the place…
So much that it’s pretty hard to actually know which ones work, and which ones are a waste of time. In this blog post I am going to put together 5 different internet marketing tips from the best marketers on the internet.
But… What Separates The OK Internet Marketers From The Best?
Great Question! Which is why before we start I want you to know how I am picking the “best marketers” on the internet.
I mean why would you want to waste your time reading another blog with information based on theory, and not credibility?
Truth of the matter is that you don’t want to waste your time, and that is why we made sure each marketer on this blog meets the following requirements.
- Has A Verified Facebook Page
- More Than 50 Blogs Written About Internet Marketing
- Marketer Must Be Noticed By A Big Brand Company
- Amount Of Engagement On Social Media
- Awards Received In The Marketing Space
So, with no more delay…
Here Are 5 Internet Marketing Tips For Online Success. (You’re Going To Love #5)
1. Going Viral Takes Great Content, & Better Planning. Tip By John Rampton
Click click click (keyboard typing) you start writing attentively…
You pick a great topic (so you think), have amazing information to share, and write a perfect article. As you proof read the final copy you begin to experience chills, seems like this is the one! This blog is so good, therefore it should go viral… Right?
Not usually, and in fact most viral content is very well planned. John Rampton, Owner of DUE.com describes the process of making content by saying
“It starts with the idea for the post and it doesn’t even end once the post is out and winning shares. That’s just where the next process begins. – John Rampton“
According to John Rampton there are several steps that you should take when writing viral content (Click Here To Read John’s Blog About Writing Viral Content). Here is a quick run down of the steps you should be taking when writing viral content.
Select The Proper Content Idea
- Selecting the proper idea for your content to go viral is very important. Make sure you do research on the trending topics, news, and audience moods in your space. Write content based on current events that effect your customers.
- Use Google Trends to look at trending stories in your niche, after you find the trending articles take a look at the headlines that are trending. Study the headlines of trending articles and before you write your content this will give you an idea of what people are interested in. (Don’t steal headlines, but use them as a brainstorming tool for great content)
- For example, if you sell dog food, and there was a huge Law that just passed increasing dog food prices by 10%, write a blog about it! Keeping your customer’s informed is a great way to ride the news headline waves, while providing great information to your readers.
Determine Your Promotion Strategy
- Social Media – Ensure that after posting your blog that you’re sharing it with your friends. Post it on your Facebook Page, Blast it out on Twitter, and Share it on Linked IN. These avenues will allow others to share your post, and may start the viral spark.
- Use Paid Ads – Organic reach is limited by many things, so many viral campaigns use paid advertising along with their organic reach. Boosting your blog on Facebook, promoting your tweet, or having a sponsored post on LinkedIn all have their advantages to drive your content further.
- Email Your List – If you’ve been building your Email list than you want to send them an email telling them about your new content, also it’s a great idea if you ask them to share your content if they enjoy it! Don’t worry if you don’t have a huge email list yet, every list starts at 0 recipients.
Picking The Right Time
- Post your content at a time when you know people will see it. What good is awesome content if you post it when everyone is offline?
- Ensure to use your social media insights, and Google analytics in order to see when your content is most popular. Post your content around these times to get the best results.
Click Here To Read John’s Blog About Writing Viral Content
2. Focus On Your Organic Social Media Reach. Tip By Gary Vaynerchuk
It’s a new age of business, and pioneering this change is Social Media. Social Media is one of the greatest tools that any business can take advantage of, and the best part is that you can have huge results with very little money.
Posting daily on your Facebook pages, going live on Youtube/Facebook for daily webisodes, and even making your own short film can now be accomplished straight from your cell phone! No more excuses that you can’t start a business due to capital, it now has to do with your drive.
“It excites me to no end to think about the fact that most small business (and even A-list personalities) waste $250,000-500,000 a year on tactics like websites, PR, direct mail, or paid media when they could have just gone all in on organic social content and a small amplification budget to achieve more valuable results. – Gary Vaynerchuk“
In Gary Vaynerchuck’s article he also refers to social media as “the current state of the internet”, and you have to agree with him. Think about how many hours people scour Facebook feeds, Instagram photo’s, and Snapchat stories…
What number of hours do you think people are using Social Media daily?
According to this info-graphic provided by Social Media Today, people will spend more time on Social Media than they will eating and drinking combined… That’s Insane, but what does that mean for you?
This crazy, but true stat means that people are eating, and breathing Social Media.
Therefore, if you’re really looking to grow your business in the new age start getting active on Social Media, and your internet marketing will see results. (Patience Is A Virtue)
Here Are Some Way’s To Get Active On Social Media
- Post Daily – Ensure that you are not just posting your buy links, or marketing information because people will unfollow you. Instead share great content that adds value for your customer. Give them coupons, funny videos, awesome quotes and even how to videos your customer would enjoy. When you’re thinking of what content to post it’s good to follow the 80% Social 20% Marketing Rule. This means for every 10 post you do each day, only 2 of them should be direct marketing post. If you follow this principal your social media accounts will grow.
- Engage With Everyone – Reply to any comment on your post. Even if you just say thank you for commenting, or actually start a conversation, your constant engagement will bring great results.(This Is HUGE For Growth)
- Stay Constant – Everything takes time, if you stop posting on Social Media you will not get results. Notice how Gary Vaynerchuk suggest for you to focus on your organic reach for an entire year… He doesn’t suggest 2 months, or a week, but a year. It’s very important to stick with social media because when you do your results will reflect your efforts.
Click Here To Read The Entire Blog On Social Media Marketing By Gary Vaynerchuk
3. Never Assume Your Internet Lead Hasn’t Done Research. (Always Give Your Customer The Info They Ask For.) Tip By Grant Cardone
“Companies that make themselves rely on internet leads are 100% more profitable than those that don’t. – Grant Cardone“
Internet leads.
When you hear that, do you cringe, or get excited?
Truth is that good internet leads are a game changer if your business handles them properly. Think about it this way… How many “Walk In Leads” would buy from your store if they get punched upon entering?(I’ll Bet Not Many.)
The same should be applied to your internet leads. Never punch them in the face, but help them like you would want to be helped, and you will close more deals.
Here are 3 Ways Grant Cardone Suggest Handling Internet Leads. (GC Is A Sales Genius, You’d Be Crazy Not To Listen.)
- Never Assume – One huge mistake that your sales team could be making is assuming an ignorant buyer. Internet leads tend to be VERY educated customers, and they will know if you are blowing smoke. Assuming that your customer is uneducated is a huge mistake for any sales person. A good way to not fall into this trap is by asking your customer the research they have already done. Simply saying “What research have you already done on (The Product), because I would hate to waste your time by telling you things you already know” can save you time, and help you close the sale more.
- Speed Matters – Don’t treat your internet leads like a cold call. People that inquire about your product from your website are looking to buy, and this makes them a great customer prospect. Respond promptly to your internet leads, and you will see better results.
- Give The Info – As we have stated above, most internet leads are very educated on your product, and competitor products. This means that you should always give them the information they ask for. Don’t give internet leads the run around, provide the information your online customer ask for, and your internet closing rate will increase.
Click Here To Read The Entire Blog By Grant Cardone
4. Integrate Social Media Across Your Organization. (Not Just Your Marketing Department) Tip By Heidi Cohen
“If you still think marketing when someone says social media, you’re behind the curve. – Heidi Cohen“
Social Media is no longer just an internet marketing platform, but it is a way for everyone to connect in seconds. Your best friends, family, and even your arch enemy are just a URL link away.
You can connect, chat, and even stream your daily activities straight from your cell phone! The power of this connectivity is endless for your business potential.
But… How can connecting your digital strategy with your daily practices benefit your business?
- Use Private Groups For Employees – It’s a great idea for your company to integrate your employees into your Social Media strategy. Start a closed group and make it mandatory for all employees to join the group. Encourage your employees to use the group to discuss work events, schedule changes, and anything else going on in your business. This open line of communication builds strong work relationships, and will help you in more ways then you think.
- Encourage Your Company To Respond On Your Page – Post social content onto your Social Media platforms and encourage your company to engage with the content. Comments, Likes, and Even Sharing your pages content will increase the brand of your business. If your Facebook Page post something about your product, and a customer asks a question on the Facebook page reward your employees for answering them correctly. Having your customers, and employees engage on your Social Media has huge upside.
- Open A Facebook Group For Customer Questions – Create a group that your product specialist, and your customers join. Have you customers post questions they may have about your product and have your experts answer. Give your customers great videos showing them how to use, maintain, and other great information about your product and you will start building a lasting relationship with your customers.
Click Here To Read The Entire Blog By Heidi Cohen
5. Optimize Google Maps For Amazing Local SEO. Tip By Neil Patel
“When it comes to local SEO, Google Maps is the most important factor. – Neil Patel“
Today’s market is huge, so how do people actually find your business? Now some people will just walk in from the street… But what about everyone else?
Businesses in the digital age are now being found straight from the mobile phone. You just pull out your handy dandy pocket computer, google a keyword, and there you go! Exactly what you’re looking for.
Now for the tricky part, what if your business is not showing up when a local person Googles your service?
Your Business Could Be In Big Trouble…
The good news is that you can start getting ranked organically for local search just by getting on Google Maps(aka Google My Business).
MOZ had a discussion on the top 100 factors for local search rank, and Google My Business was a factor in 35 of them. That means that you can almost fix all of your local search ranking problems just by getting your business verified on Google My Business (It really is that powerful).
Therefore, if your business provides a product\service to your local market than get on Google My Business in order to rank better in local search results.
But Wait, There’s More!
Not only will being on Google My Business allow you to rank better in local search, but it will allow you to connect your YouTube account, update business/holiday hours, and even upload pictures to brand your business.
Also another great reason to be on Google My Business is that it allows you to respond to each Google review about your business. You can thank people that love your product/service, and handle bad reviews to increase customer service. It’s a Win-Win for both you, and your customer.
Click Here To Read The Entire Blog On Local Search By Neil Patel
Hope You Enjoyed These Internet Marketing Tips
In conclusion, Internet Businesses are becoming more important as each day passes. Start building your internet presence by using these 5 internet marketing tips, and you will be on your way to a more profitable business.
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