5 INCREDIBLE rules: Message from digital@robinsharma.com

5 INCREDIBLE rules: Message from [email protected]

my life has taught me 5 INCREDIBLE rules

I hope you’re excellent and creative and fit and peaceful?Gopal. The message below is one of the most important ones I’ve sent in a while. So my encouragement is that you read it carefully and slowly and to the end.? ?

In a quiet moment of simple contemplation, I asked myself this growth what 5 lessons has life taught me?”

?Sure, I could have come up with 100. Or 1000.? ?

Yet, if someone asked me for my best 5, for a life of productivity, success, health, wisdom, honor and love, I’d offer these: ?

Rule 1: Do Your Best and Let Life Do the Rest ?

Yes I do believe in destiny. I sense that there is a set of invisible hands guiding us along and encouraging our moves and watching our backs. ?

Having said this, nothing works for someone who does no work. Sorry to say this but there are just too many people on the planet who want the rewards of world-class without lifting a pinky to do what world-class requires.? ?

Leadership and personal greatness absolutely requires us to apply APR: Absolute Personal Responsibility.?

?We must set good habits and create clear plans and do the workouts (at 5AM please!) and deliver for clients. We need to read the books and study the craft and care for our loved ones and watch less TV and get the job done. ?

Then, once we’ve honestly done all we can do with excellence and deep focus on making a difference, let go.? ?

And accept what comes as the very best for you (knowing that if it didn’t turn out the way you wished it had, it’s because it wasn’t meant for you; and something so much better is coming). Cool way to see life, yes?

?Rule 2: Good Things Happen to Humans Who Do Good Things

?Karma is real and even though it sometimes doesn’t look like your acts of good will receive a reply, they will.

?First, it’s good for your soul to treat people well, keep your promises and leave others better than you found them.

?Second, when you train your brain to deliver rich value to each one you meet, with consistency and sincerity, they become your fans. You open their hearts. Your helpfulness makes them really really really want to help you. ?

And so unexpected blessings come your way.?

?Note: I'd love to help you make 2025 your greatest year yet. If you're ready?click here.

?Rule 3: The Heart Is Wiser Than the Head

?All my life, my best successes came from decisions that made no sense.?

?…Writing The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari as an empty litigation lawyer with a bright legal career ahead.

?…Accepting speaking invitations to present to 1000s of people when I was starting out and wildly terrified of public speaking.?

?…Starting a new career as a painter at the age of 60. (If we ever meet, I’d love to show you my art).?

?None of these were logical nor reasonable and certainly not sensible.

?But?Gopal?what is this unholy fascination our culture has with being reasonable?

?The Sistine Chapel and the Mona Lisa and The Moonwalk and the electric car have all been created by unrealistic and highly unreasonable people.

?Actually most of our great visionaries were called kooks. And laughed at. And called crazy. Or killed.

?Oh, what regrets we end up with when we dismiss those silent whispers within our hearts. ?

Telling us to launch the startup or take the course or remove someone from our life or ask another for a date or move to a new country or begin the book we sense will change the world.

?Do not dishonor your genius by neglecting your intuition. Fantastic opportunities are often hard to get back, once refused.

?Trust your gut, I humbly recommend. Heed your instincts. They are so much smarter than the limited suggestions of logic.

?Rule 4: UnKillAbility Is a Superpower.

?To not die when you get knocked down is to play with the gods. And soar with the angels.? ?

I’ve been through some very hard times. I’ve faced difficulty and tragedy. They could have broke me.?

?I could have blamed and stayed stuck in the experience by reliving it for years. Yet, life and success is for the living.

?KMF I say to my family and my teammates and my clients: KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

?Sometimes—in the hardest and darkest of times—what helps you survive and then thrive and then fly is putting one foot after another foot, after another foot. Small baby steps that eventually get us running again. ?

The key is not to give up. Never ever never ever ever ever ever never ever! (Thanks Winston).?

?Not to become an injustice collector.? ?

Not to give up on your heroic ideals and your gorgeous dreams for a richer, better, happier and more helpful life. ?

Become UnKillAble. Please.

Rule 5: The Greater Your Personal Development the Richer Your Life

?I come from simple beginnings. Small town, immigrant parents, humble roots. ?

If there is one thing that has helped me tremendously, it’s my devotion that borders on an obsession to make myself better. ?

Better as a thinker and creative and producer.

?Better as a partner and as a father and as a son.

?Better as a painter and builder and as a speaker and communicator. ?

Better as a servant leader. To the tens of millions of human beings in 90+ nations who read my books, watch my videos, consume my posts and take my online courses.?

?The best way to make your life amazing is to grow yourself into someone who is truly more amazing. ?

Stop the excuses and release the rationalizations.? ?

Pick up the book. Find the new mentor. Start the new habit. Take the new risk. Do it today and then maintain the commitment daily. When it’s easy and especially when it gets hard.

?Do this and I promise?Gopal, this year will become your FINEST year. Which is my great hope for you!

IMPORTANT: If you'd like me to become your mentor so we absolutely help you make the changes and leaps you need to make to have the happiness, prosperity, health and love you want in 2025 it would be a pleasure to be of service. ?

I’ve created an EXTREMELY powerful and valuable transformation program called The 1st Step Academy. You’ll love it because it’s easy and proven and at a super price right now.


The 1st Step Academy comes with a zero questions asked 100% money-back guarantee so you have NO risk whatsoever to try out the program and experience the fantastic results for yourself.

Snap up one of the limited memberships here. Kindly note:?

?—there is nothing quite like the?The 1st Step Academy?program currently available anywhere in the world and early users have reported that it’s the best virtual learning course they’ve ever experienced.

?—every single one of the memberships offered recently in the beta launch have completely sold out and the price will likely rise to the regular retail price of $1,895 soon, given the superb quality and value of this extraordinary personal transformation system.

?—remember that?The 1st Step Academy?comes with an ironclad absolutely no questions asked 100% money-back guarantee so there’s zero risk for you to try it out today. All we ask is that you give the program a chance to work its magic by doing the exercises recommended within the curriculum. This is NOT a superficial quick-fix program and nothing works for someone unwilling to do any work right?? ?

Snap up one of the VERY limited memberships available today for only $47 before they are gone and you have to wait another year to get into the program.

?Hope this message helps you make 2025 YOUR year. I’m here to help and only wish the greatest of blessings for you and your family.?



Robin Sharma

Humanitarian + Leadership Missionary


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