5 Important Things You Should Know About Your Workers' Compensation Claim
If you are injured on the job, you should start a Workers’ Compensation Claim.

5 Important Things You Should Know About Your Workers' Compensation Claim

Don’t wait to start filing a?Workers’ Compensation Claim

If you are hurt at work, you should report it to your employer as soon as possible so you can start a?Workers’ Compensation Claim. In addition to reporting the injury verbally, you should also notify your employer of the injury in some form of writing such as an email or text message.

When reporting the injury, you should be as specific as possible about the details such as the time, place, and manner of the injury.

Be sure to also specify which body part(s) you injured during your accident. Insurance companies will often deny a?workers’ compensation claim?by alleging that the injured employee never reported the work injury.

When you get hurt at work, the insurance company is not your friend

Insurance companies will also deny a?workers’ compensation claim?if there was a delay in reporting the injury. Waiting too long to report a work injury to your employer is a “red flag” an insurance company will look for and try to use against you. If possible, you should report any on-the-job injury to your employer immediately after it occurs.?Many times, verbally reporting an injury is not enough. In order to prevent the insurance company from claiming that you never reported a work injury, you should do everything possible to document your injury in writing.?Remember, if you are injured at work, the insurance company is not your friend.?

Be Vocal with Your Doctor

When you are receiving medical treatment for a work injury, it is extremely important to be vocal with your doctor. For example, if you are seeing a doctor for the first time, be sure to talk to him/her about how your accident occurred and how you were injured as a result of the accident.?You should also tell the doctor about any pain or discomfort you are experiencing during each appointment.?Remember, be specific as to which body parts are hurting. Doctors will write down what you tell them and include your complaints in your medical records. Your medical records will often play a big part in determining the value of your case. Having detailed medical records which consistently document the complaints you have been sharing with your doctor can help ensure you receive the workers’ compensation you deserve.

Why Should I Contact a Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

The attorneys at Rohan Law are experts on?workers’ compensation?laws. Instead of trying to fight the insurance company and their attorneys on your own, we can fight for you to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve. There is no fee to consult with an attorney about a?workers’ compensation claim. In fact, you never pay anything unless we win your case. You are also more likely to obtain a higher settlement with an attorney than without one.

workers comp attorney with a client
You should not have to navigate this process alone. If you are injured on the job, contact us for a FREE consultation.

How does a?Workers’ Compensation?claim?work?

On average, injured workers who do not have a workers’ compensation lawyer advocating for them get settlements that are 35% lower than what they can get with an attorney. Attorneys work these cases on a contingency basis, so if we do not win your case, you do not have to pay anything. If you are concerned about losing your job if you file a claim, don’t be. If you are willing and able to work, you have a right to keep your job, even after you have filed a lawsuit. Most people don’t realize this, but a?worker’s compensation claim?is filed against employer insurance companies and not the company itself. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from talking to a?Workers’ Compensation Attorney?at Rohan Law?about your case. The first consultation is free.

Let Rohan Law help you set your worries aside

If you or a family member needs to consult with an experienced?Workers’ Compensation Attorney?– look no further! The Rohan Law Firm is here to help you with your situation. We want to be your trusted advisor and we believe that everyone deserves the best representation no matter the circumstance. Call us at 404.620.2114, send an email to?[email protected], or to get started faster fill out our contact form now – visit?https://www.rohanlawpc.com/contactus/.??


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