5 Important Facts to know before you develop Internet of Things ( IoT Lab )
If you are in process of planning to develop Internet of Things (IoT) Lab for your institute to provide training to students , then please note following
When we start thinking of developing this particular lab and do search operation , we get trapped in to procuring consumable items like Arduino , Raspberry PI , Node MCU , some common sensors and relays.
But have we ever asked a question to ourselves that will this is sufficient and well enough to provide a structured training to students and enable them to understand IoT as a technology.
Will it enable student to learn and perform experiments to understand
The answer is probably a Big NO.
Arduino , Raspberry PI , Node MCU , Nordic processor , sensors , actuators are consumables and must be a part of project lab where after understanding the technology student can develop some project.
But these discrete?development boards will never provide a structured training rather it will be discrete training. This may either confuse student or he may not understand all the aspects of technology.
I am sure you will appreciate that as an enabler there is a need of training platforms and a good lecturer who can do proper landholding of students.?This process will make them aware about?all aspects and?building blocks of this technology in depth by conducting experiments through?a structured curriculum.
Another advantage is that this asset can be used for training for many years.
Please visit for more details https://www.scientechworld.com/iot-solutions