5 important facts about heart attacks
Branislav Vajdic, PhD and CEO of HeartBeam, and the co-inventor of flash memory at Intel, wrote a follow-on article about heart attacks. HeartBeam has an exciting campaign going on Redcrow, https://bit.ly/HeartBeamCampaign, and is raising a bridge to its A round. The 5 facts blog is in Branislav's post - we encourage you to comment - here or on Branislav's post or both. https://bit.ly/LIHeartAttackFacts Lots is being discussed these days in the mHealth space. HeartBeam is the first to focus on the heart attack in this space, with its iCardiologist(TM) meant to be with you anywhere, anytime when your physician isn't. As for the 5 facts, high level, the points cover 1. that the problem is massive, 2. it is not always obvious, 3. time is cardiac muscle (PROCRASTINATION and quality of life are the issues), 4. women have heart attacks too (but with different symptoms), and 5. why taking yourself too seriously is bad for your heart.
Accounting Policy Executive
5 年My #1?take away is that procrastination is a huge problem and influence on one's quality of life when the heart attack is real.? I saw another comment noting how heart attacks often have different symptoms for women and they found that fact most enlightening.? This article has many important takeaways and is an easy read.? I'd be interested in what others think. And check out HeartBeam's short video, especially in you like horses.?https://vimeo.com/340248779