5 Ideas to Unlock Your Creativity
Listen to new music. Hearing alternative sounds and new voices can lead to inspiration.
Browse through a dictionary and write down one word that grabs your attention. Why did you choose that word? Consider how language influences art.
Fast. Sometimes the mild discomfort of feeling of hunger has pushed my work into new directions. (Please note I’m not advocating starving yourself for your art, but I’ve benefited from skipping a meal or two in order to tap into that “hungry dog who runs faster”)
Doodle daily for a month. Review your sketch’s at the end and see if any patterns have emerged. They just may be the seeds for a starting a new project.
Wear mixed matched socks to work. Don’t tell anyone. Chances are no one will notice. We often get so caught up in what others think that we are afraid to try something new. Trust yourself and go for it!