5 homes that are perfect for James Hird.
Todd Schulberg
Freelancing Sales Director | Coaching, Mentoring, Sales Growth | The Creatives Sales Accelerator| Enquire about working together!
Essendon champion, and possibly the most talked about man in the AFL for the past two years recently settled on his property in Toorak. Receiving $4.2 million for the sale, it provided 'Hirdy' with a few options in how he wanted to spend his money. We've put together a list of 6 places that would be perfect for the superstar and explained why.
1. 6 Benson Avenue, Toorak, VIC
Why it's good for Hirdy:
We know James likes living in prime locations, and this is no exception. Remaining in his old stomping ground of Toorak, this home is perfect for a young family. Featuring five bedrooms, a study and eight bathrooms, there will be plenty of room to spread out across the house, and play hide and seek with the kids.
2. 3/50 Jolimont Street, East Melbourne.
Why it's good for Hirdy:
The ultimate position for Hirdy to live. Located directly across from the MCG, this unbelievable position will provide James a quick escape on match day and a sleep in late on Saturday morning without missing the first bounce. Featuring two spacious bedrooms, it may be a little cosy for James and the kids, but when it comes to the location, he won't do better than this.
3. 373 Howe Parade, Port Melbourne.
Why it's good for Hirdy
Maybe a beach escape is just what Hirdy needs. An escape from the spacious streets of Toorak may provide a different perspective and the refresher he needs. This gorgeous home is just seconds from the beach, which will be handy for when Hirdy needs to meet the team down on the beach for recovery after matches. Featuring a beautiful renovation, this homes four bedrooms will provide plenty of space for the family.
Why it's good for Hirdy
Just a stroll from training, this home is just minutes from the True Value Solar Centre, where the Essendon team now train. Featuring four bedrooms and four bathrooms, this home is a perfect option for James if he wants to live close to training, whilst also missing the rush of peak hour traffic. This home will also provide a little more privacy and keep him out of the public eye. Something he probably is craving right now.
Why it's good for Hirdy
This home is sticking with the beach theme, that it will provide Hirdy a good location for running 'recovery' sessions. Featuring plenty of space and the best design finishes you could imagine, this will be a change of scene for Hirdy but still give him the luxuries he is used to.
So go for a drive this weekend Hirdy and check out the dix homes mentioned above. One of them may be your next dream home in waiting.
About the Author:
Todd Schulberg
Todd Schulberg handles all things marketing for Homely.com.au - Living and breathing property, Todd has a keen interest in the movements in the market and how agents can utilise new tools and technology in order to be more connected. Using all things social, Todd suggests different ways that agents can engage and think outside the square with their marketing approach.