5 Historical Facts About Coronations That You Should Know

5 Historical Facts About Coronations That You Should Know

Coronations have been an important part of history and monarchy for centuries, symbolizing the transfer of power and the start of a new reign. As legal secretaries, it is essential to have a deep understanding of historical events, including coronations. In this article, we will explore 5 historical facts about coronations that every legal secretary should know.

The first recorded coronation took place in 754 AD

The first recorded coronation in history took place in 754 AD, when Pope Stephen II crowned Pepin the Short as King of the Franks. This event marked the beginning of a tradition that would continue for centuries, with monarchs being crowned by religious figures to symbolize divine approval of their rule.

The Coronation Oath has been a part of English coronations for almost 1000 years

The Coronation Oath is a pledge made by the monarch to uphold the laws and customs of the realm, and to govern justly and wisely. It has been a part of English coronations for almost 1000 years, with the first recorded oath being taken by King Edgar in 973 AD.

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The Crown Jewels are an essential part of the coronation ceremony

The Crown Jewels, which include the crowns, scepters, and orbs, are an essential part of the coronation ceremony. They represent the monarch's authority and sovereignty and are an integral part of the visual spectacle of the event. The Crown Jewels have been used in coronations since the 12th century.

The anointing of the monarch is a sacred part of the ceremony

One of the most sacred parts of the coronation ceremony is the anointing of the monarch, which represents the monarch's divine right to rule. The monarch is anointed with holy oil, which is a mixture of oil and balm, on the hands, chest, and head.

The Coronation Chair has been used in coronations since 1308

The Coronation Chair, which is located in Westminster Abbey, has been used in coronations since 1308. It is an iconic part of the coronation ceremony, and many famous monarchs have been crowned while sitting in it. The chair is made of oak and is adorned with intricate carvings and symbols.

As a legal secretary, understanding the historical context of events such as coronations is essential to providing effective support in your role. By knowing these 5 historical facts about coronations, you can deepen your understanding of the ceremony and its significance.


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