5 Hidden techniques of ZENLP

5 Hidden techniques of ZENLP ZEN + NLP = ZENLP

Zen is a school of Buddhist Philosophy which values meditation and intuition more than any ritual or study.

 Buddha said, ‘Ehi Passiko’ meaning ‘go and see for yourself’ which became learning by experimenting in Zen.

 In Zen school of philosophy, we find a direct experience with the help of a teacher or coach helps one convert experiences to insights.

What takes us away from darkness to light is our spirit of enquiry and experimentation like a beginner.

 NLP on the other hand was again made with this Zen like curiosity and experimentation done by Dr. Richard Bandler and Prof. John Grinder. They both curiously observed and learnt from master Psychotherapists like Milton H. Erickson, the method they thought can make the ‘difference that causes the difference’.

 While NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming became the success technology which utilised language patterns to influence the neurology for the results one wanted; it missed the artistry of Milton Erickson which he used like a Zen master to build and lead people to the outcomes they wanted.

 NLP became trapped in using NLP scripts and patterns forgetting the ‘pattern that controlled all the patterns’.

 In my attempt to coin this term “ZENLP” and to find the essence of True-Ericksonian NLP, I humbly use the word ZENLP; as it was nothing else but in my mind the Zen like spirit of enquiry or Ehi Passiko that led to NLP.

 There are 5 essential elements of the ZENLP approach:

 ·        Beginners Mindset – Experimentation and Curiosity as a central theme that match with T.O.T.E. of NLP

·        Interconnectedness of whole – Looking for person in context of the entire situation

·        ‘I’ as a System – Looking for resources within the individual to spark insights

·        Finding the True move – The patterns that help us uncover the true nature of an individual as free, formless and shapeless human being

·        State of flow – Harnessing the states of ‘Trance like flow’ and developing transformation in these ‘Learning Trances’

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 I will write more about the 5 essential Behavioural elements later; but for the sake of brevity lets jump straight into the 5 hidden techniques Zen and NLP masters use for a ‘Magic-like transformational effect’:

 1.   Breath as a Key – Breathing is a key to any kind of mastery and expertise related to mind or body. For example, in Martial Arts we see the average looking martial artists perform great feats of acrobatic and immense strength mastery of body just by focus on breathing. In the Zen & NLP work many a times consciously unconsciously we see the coaches and teachers help people maintain a steady breathing and a relaxed state of awareness. Breathing leads to a relaxed state which further leads to an alert and awaken mind which acts as a great tool for Zen and NLP work. When you slow down your breathing and focus on your breathing as an energy giving process; you get a more aware body and mind for some great work on your goals and awareness

*** Read the complete article on my Blog***


Yours truly,

Namastey from India

Anupam Rawat

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