5 Healthy Habits to Follow This Fall
We are in the middle of crisp and cool sweater weather – well, at least in some parts of the world. This season, it's time to get back from the holiday mood and form new habits that will help you get back on track with your work, lifestyle and wellness routine. In this article, check out our tips on our must-have fall habits to follow to keep energy levels up!
Diversify your diet to strengthen your body
In the summer, we eat light during the day and most likely indulge in "cheat meals" at night as we have fun with friends. The fall season means a change in temperatures, a more intense workload in the office or at school and a rise in seasonal infections. To support your immune system and strengthen your body, consume more fibre-rich vegetables and fresh herbs to support your digestive processes. You can also warm your salads by roasting vegetables and adding protein, like grilled chicken. Add spices, like turmeric, to your food – those are considered to be great immune-boosting ingredients. Soups and herbal teas will keep your body warm and will support your body tissues from infections. And finally – don't forget about your supplements!
Exercise outside
Now, when the summer heat is over, you can take advantage of exercising in the cooler weather before it gets freezing. It also might have been hard to follow high-intensity workouts during the summer months due to the high temperatures, so now you can gradually introduce them back into your routine. Hiking, cycling and jogging in the park or the countryside can be a perfect way to diversify your workouts.?
Normalise your sleep schedule?
In the summer, the days are longer, and we tend to stay up later than usual, especially if we go out with friends or on vacation. To get back into the office or school routine and avoid suffering from fatigue in the morning before work:
- Try to follow a consistent sleep schedule.
- Start going to bed earlier, set a bedtime and relax in the evening to fall asleep better.
- Exercise for at least 30 minutes to wake up easier or take a walk in the park – cool morning air will make you refreshed and energised.?
Set new goals and resolutions?
It might be too early for New Year's resolutions, but how about making it a seasonal ritual instead? We already had our goals for the summer – it's time to make new ones for the fall. Think about the things you'd like to achieve or start doing this season and write them down on a big sheet of paper. It can be anything, from starting a dance class, reaching your career goal, or throwing a grand-Halloween party in October. Don't stress yourself out with it, and start small. Setting goals and putting them into words help us to stay motivated and wake up every day with a wish to achieve and create.?
Don't forget about self-care
With all that hassle and extra workload, colder weather and less sunshine, no wonder that we tend to fall into the blues during the fall. Never forget your self-care rituals to avoid burning out and getting too stressed over achievements. Along with new goals, set a "me-time" just for yourself and your needs. It might be watching your favourite Netflix show with a cup of warm tea, reading a chapter of your favourite book every day (or every weekend), going out on a breakfast date or writing a journal entry. Doing at least one thing for yourself every day can support your mental health and keep you strong and healthy this fall – and every day.?
One extra tip to follow!
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